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Posts posted by CopperJohn

  1. Went out of Oswego today with a buddy, everyone was telling me spoons where what to use, put 5 spoons and one spin doctor green dot  out, nothing for three hours then the spiny on 400 copper fires, 9 lb king, pulled two spoons and put two more f/f out on dipsys,  hour later a double on f/f another 9 lb. and a 16 lb. king, marked a lot of fish and bait on the fish finder, quit at 1.00pm

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, UNREEL said:

    I was told the  oiling of the eggs worked great on ground nests like Gallou and Stoney Islands years ago because the birds killed all the trees and they had no choice where to nest. Given the opportunity to nest high in trees like we’ve seen in Irondequoit Bay and other islands, the birds will nest there,  which makes oiling and raccoon predation impossible.

    A fire fighting boat with a high pressure water cannon would be my choice of weapon. :dance:

    I got news for you, raccoons are excellent tree climbers.

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  3. Years ago when DEC first got permission to oil the eggs of cormorants, they reported on their website the work they where doing, oiled  X thousand eggs on this island at a cost of y thousand dollars,  they reported this for each island except one island had no nesting cormorants on it but they observed a raccoon on the island. I commented about the report on a thread at the time, DEC removed the reports.


    I don’t know if a raccoon swam out to the island or a good old boy dumped one out of a live trap but it reduced the cormorant nesting on the lake.


    If DEC made an agreement with local animal control officers in the Henderson Harbor area to put a raccoon on selected islands they could effectively reduce the cormorant population and save taxpayers x thousands of dollars.

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  4. You didn't say where you are on the lake, most tackle shops near the lake have most everything used to fish on the lake.

    Are you asking about snap weights to use behind planer boards on lead core, or dipsy divers to use on wire line or down rigger weights. They all work under the right conditions. Usually you buy more than one of any of these weights. Sales person at the tackle shop should be able to help you. Google tackle shop near Lake Ontario. 

  5. On ‎5‎/‎3‎/‎2020 at 1:07 PM, Fat Trout said:

    Regardless of who controls what but there are 2 key differences this year.  First is they did run higher water when they could over this winter.  It helped but is absolutely because of the mayhem caused in the past few years.  The other which I seem to understand more now is that how much they will run (this time of year) directly relates to the Ottawa river flows.  The Ottawa was much more manageable this year.  This year for the Ottawa was similar to 18 where there wasn't a lake O flood.  2017 and 2019 were very similar for the Ottawa.   I'm not defending anyone, just providing some info.





    I am retired and never worked for the Seaway, I have been fishing Lake O for a long time and never saw the problems we have now until the treaty controlling the Seaway was changed a few  years ago. For 50 years the treaty had a limit on high and low levels.  For 50 years people built homes, marinas, docks and boat launches near the water. The first year under the new no limit rules the water level went so low boats could not get out of the marina I was in from the middle of August to the end of fishing. A school of salmon where circling off the mouth of the salmon river because the water was so low they wouldn't go across the entrance during daylight. The following year the  water got so high the docks where under water. The marina closed. Now it seems we have major flooding every other year. 


    The Seaway Authority controls the water level in the lake. They have always had access to all the water levels upstream of them. They have always had access to all the water flow forecasts for the Ottawa River and all other inflows.


    What has changed ? The treaty limits. Why has this caused all these problems? Follow the money.

    The Seaway makes some money from power generation but most of their money comes from shipping fees, the more cargo that goes thru, the more money they make.  What effects the amount of cargo that goes thru ? Water level and water flow.

    The higher the water level in the lake the deeper draft a ship can have coming out of the Seaway into the Lake, the higher the water flow out of the Seaway the deeper draft a ship can have coming in from the Ocean.  If the water flow is too high the ships can't go downstream because they can't maintain  control going into the locks with the current pushing them. If they have too much water going down the seaway and the Ottawa is high flow then they flood Montreal. If they hold back then they flood marinas and homes around the Lake. If they draw down the lake in the winter they reduce their income and reduce storm damage and possible spring flooding. If they keep lake level up they have a reserve to maintain flow in a dry year which protects their income, if we have a wet spring we have flooding. It is a very difficult balancing act. They have the information and the expertise. They don't have the incentive. They maximize their income to many more millions of dollars maybe billions than they had before the change in limits, so what if there is a few million dollars in flood damage and lost business in Montreal and around the Lake , it doesn't come out of their profits. It should.




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