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Posts posted by SylvanTroller

  1. I recently boat a 1993 Yamaha T9.9ELRR it was starving for fuel and not running correctly. These motors are notorious for fuel pump issues and Yamaha has since developed a pump with a heat sink and cooler for them. I picked up the new pump (around 100 bucks) at Brobiel Marine (Frans a great guy). Replaced the pump and she was running only slightly better and still sucking the filter dry.
    I ripped out the connections and fuel line and ran a new line straight to the tank. Same thing.......... I read somewhere that a clogged crank breather could cause this issue. I pulled the breather line (see pic 1) and sure enough it was clogged with a mud wasp nest or something. Cleaned it out, checked inside the breather and other lines. Everything is clear and she is running great now. Hope this helps someone out one of these days.
    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  2. Thanks for your info I'm taking in all I can get. And yes the transom is another concern that has been on my mind and don't know if I want to get into that. Again thanks

    Check out www.iboats.com the forums section. There are plenty of tin boat rebuilds with instructions and pictures of how to do everything. Great resource!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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