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Posts posted by skinny420

  1. Stagers can be hard to get. They are not feeding. Try to use large bright annoying rattle lures and try to keep them moving near bottom and fast. Shallow floating divers or jplugs on lead or heavy bottom bouncers or 3 way rigs and Kwik fish and dredge thru the marks. It’s a grind with snags and be on the rods in a fraction of a second but if you want them they will bite, and on the good days you will get some matures doing that. If that’s your plan grind them out and if not going by daylight slip out to brown or laker water or head offshore for steel and teens!

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  2. When using my snap weights on long lines I add them to the connection between copper or cores and leader. If you let out all the copper and then add a weight you still need to let out a ton of line to get the weight down. At the end of your weighted line your already going to be letting out plenty of line to get it down. But I have done both ways just prefer to add it before the weighted line.

  3. As far as just the long lines are concerned. I'd choose as many different types of length as possible. Some days they just want that one rod. If you find today they want the 300 copper then add snap weights to all the shorter coppers and cores to replicate what works. More different options are what you want to dial in what they want when they are being choosey.

  4. Oneida...Sylvan beach. Silver not sure North or south but there out there. Cuba got huts on it. Several places north or west. What area you need ice? It's out there! Don't sleep on it this year. Get your spud sharpened and get out there!

  5. I've ran the old beep beep trackers with the antenna. The sportdog tracker. The Garmin 230 and 240 and now the astro. It's really nice to know where your dog is. And in training a tracking dog a lot of times I can see where they made a loss and get them back on track. I run foxhounds and without them I'd never know exactly what there doing. Plus let them loose in the big woods and they go over the mountain and it might be 45 min for me to drive over close enough to pick them back up. No question it helps me get the dogs back and I've shocked them to keep them off posted property or to stop them from crossing busy roads and it really helps to get in front of a coyote if you see the dogs working down a creek or snowmobile trail you can get to where you can shoot the coyote and catch the dogs. Without the tracker a lot of nights tying up dogs to trees and letting them bark to call the lost dog back or searching and listening for lost hounds. Bird dogs I've never owned but since they are quiet you could loose one and never find it easy enough to make me want to spend the money.

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