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Helter Skelter

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  1. shimano really dropped the ball with these new tekotas. if they were the original ones you would have sold within minutes.
  2. stick to Canadian company that will help you as the client. otherwise you are dealing with a company that knows more than you do.
  3. nah, anyone with a credit card can call up a taxidermy and order any fish. if you catch a fish memorable enough to pay the money for the mount, get the skin mount. replicas are toys. if you do go the replica route, at minimum give them your fish so they can create a mold directly from your fish. But most replicas are from catch and release fish...which is great, but putting a fake fish on your wall that isn't even the dimensions of the fish you catch is ... well ... whatever.
  4. gotcha. bomber long A's 150' behind the inline in 15' of water has been our best producer of Kings this year. I find riding high in the column works great...gets those active Kings moving! congrats again on the great day!
  5. entered thinking I'd see a thread about taking kings on a top water lure. what does the "top water" reference in the title mean? (nice silvers btw)
  6. a nice video of some mid march Kings taken off the bar. We picked up 3 Kings this past Saturday as well as a massive muskie. If your interested have a look at the following video from Pt Dalhousie drifting the river. They caught a salmon that wintered and didn't spawn. Strange fish.
  7. politics from yanks. some reflection over your last 8 years is in order.
  8. You are correct. The previous leader managed to kill a century worth of good will. Canadian's don't look at the Americans as partners or friends any longer. I'm not sure how many decades it will take to fix that (or if it ever will be fixed).
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