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Slide Diver Stealth?

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SO, we used a few slide divers for the first time off wire with a section of 65# braid.  I don't really see the stealth here.  How much stealth factor is braid?  We have small boat 20' starcraft and I just dont' see any advantage because your still only have a 7' or so section of flouro. Still gotta reel in to the 7' mark.  And before the diver you have the braid.   Clamping to mono of flouro ? That would add stealh but same deal right? or could I put a swivel say 4' from the spoon or presentation?  That might work eh?  Could someone explain a little bit better. I have looked at a few videos ( including Russ G. ) and don't see any big stealth advantage of adding say 16' braid lead. I mean it does not reflect light light the wire does, but how stealth is it.  I was thinking adding just a 2' section of braid, then 16' flouro all the way down to my spoon but a swivel only 3' before my spoon. But would they spook froms the swivel? OR swivel/snap maybe?   THanks all. Not new to dipsy/dreamweaver deeper divers but trying to get more stealth on small boat. Thanks all 


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The main thing with a slide diver is ability to separate the diver from the lure but slide down close for easier handling at the boat.   The main stealth is getting the diver farther away from the lure.  A dipsy will do this  with a 10, 12ft or longer lead but you need someone to hand line it in.  I fish solo a lot so slide divers are better for me.  I also have a small boat so even with a crew handlining a bunch of line is a hassle (for me).  On my braid and wire divers I have 40 ft of 40 lb fluorocarbon after my main line and before my leader.  this is what the diver slides on.  40 ft gives plenty of separation from the mainline if its a consideration.  I usually set 15-20 ft from the lure though.  The 40 ft helps (in my opinion) close fighting a fish near to the boat as the knot isn't going in and out of the guides a lot.  For leader I put either a 7' section of 20lb for spoons or a 2-3 ft section of 30# for paddles which I guess you could argue you don't need but I don't want the diver going right to the flasher    The stealth isn't the leader itself other than getting separation between the lure and the diver and overall dipsy / slide diver rigs getting separation from the boat etc.  

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I typically run 2 wire divers per side on Ontario. Deep inside is a Mag on 1.5 or 2 and an outside High on 3.5 or 4. ‘IF’ fish seem negative, I will swap out 1 or both high divers for a braid slide diver on 4 with 40’ of 40lb mono for diver to slide on. For Erie walleye I usually run 3 divers per side. Deep inside mag on wire and then 2 regular dipsys. I hardly ever run slide divers for Wallye because of conflicts with the other divers /just too much more labor with typically fast fish action.

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Another slide diver guy here.  I have been running 35 foot of 40# mono as well to a 6 foot section of flouro.  I ran 30# mono for a bit but felt I was replacing it too often. 


Ive been running black slide divers with the clear mag ring (no mag weight)  Works well for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love my slide divers 


I have 65 or80 # braid to 50 ft of 30 # big game , bead , swivel , 5 ft of 15 # floro, BB swivel . 


The diver sides and clamps on the 30# . 

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