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Conesus 2-8 10


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Was a long day on Conesus Lake today with a buddy of mine, started drilling holes at 7:30 and fished unntill 5 we fished 9 FOW caught a 150 or more blue gill's and kept 46 good one's, as far as tip ups go we had 2 flags in the first hour but no fish they just ran a few yards and dropped it and figure they were bass, about 11:00 was the next flag which turned out to be a nice 40" pike it looked like he had been fighting from how beat up he was and i couldn't weigh it because my scale went brain dead on me but a 40" pike should be in the 13-15 # range tried it with another 10# scale but it just bottom it out, anyways just before i was able to ice the pike the second flag fired which turned out to be a Large mouth Bass about 3# which i tossed back it the hole, we never had another flag the rest of the day and from what we could see and some other guys out there could see we were the only one's to have any flags the hole day, didn't try any tip downs because the holes were freezing up and filling up with blowing snow so fast, all in all it was a fun day,

here's a few pick's of the day

Ok just weighed it this morning 2-9-10 and after being out of the water for 24 hours it weighed 17.3#






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Nice pike. You might be a little short on your weight estimates. There was a 40" pike caught a couple weekends ago and it was about the same girth as yours and it went 17.5 on my buddies Rapala scale.

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OK because of GAMBLER's comment on the wait being off i went i left the pike in the back of the truck over night and bought a scale this morning and it weighed 17.3# and that was being out of the water for 24 hours so i don't know much weight it lost but i am still very happy with the 17.3 :yes:

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No Brian, it's not big enough for me to mount, I lost my wall mounter about 8 years ago when it broke off with the head out of the hole and trying to hold onto it as it went back in the hole but no luck ;( that one was in the 30# range .

Mick the pike had 1 old shiner it 1 fresh gill & my shiner .

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