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Dipsey tangles

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OK need understanding how to run multiple dipsey rods on one side of the boat. Tried for the first time this weekend and found myself with a huge mess. Whats the best way to run 2 on one side so I dont get tangled?


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not sure if running them with that much variance is the best idea. We been running 4 divers on a buddies boat by setting out the inside on a 1 1/2 setting and the outside at a 3. By putting the inside/outside no more than 20' apart they will track close to the same. We've been putting the inside out first but after taking a hit on one or the other I don't think it matters you just have to let them out slow.

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I run one diver on a 1 and the other on a 3. If you run them the same distance out, they will be running approx. 10' in depth difference (I run the Walker Deeper Divers). The key to running 2 divers a side without tangling is letting them out SSSSLLLLOOOOWWWW.

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+1 - took me a while to get the hang of it.

I've also read that some like to use use a longer pole for the outside dipsy and a shorter for the inside. Haven't tried it yet but it sounds like it would help keep them separate as well.

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