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Pro-cure herring and alwife. I put it on my hands before I put the balls on the cable and set up. Then I use it on the lures. Does it help, I think so. If the Salmon find their way back to the stream of their birth by their sense of smell. Then everything I can do to make my set up smell right should be a plus. ;)

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I use the procure also, I have a lso used the WD40 like alot of other guys. Does it work? Not sure if it does but it does not hurt. If it ain't broke don't fix it right? I will have to try that on the rigger balls Dave, Thanks.

It is getting closer.


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I experimented with hanging a deer drag pad behind a ball loaded with Smelly Jelly Herring this Spring. I also doused some flies in it. I honestly couldnt see a difference. Do I think it coud entice a weary salmon every once and a while? Maybe, but enough to say you have to use it? Nope! Just my .02$.

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I agree: Been the wd-40 rout and all the other's. Pay attention to your speed, temp. or mark's on the sonar and presentation and have at it. All the scent's they sell aren't going to do anything but make the manufacturer line his pocket.

Just my 2 cent's

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On the lower Niagara River, we used "the no communication rule" with one fellow on the boat. That was he didn't get any "Dr. Juice" trout scent for his egg sacks. We had 15 rainbows for the two of us to his one when we relented and gave him some. His catch rate then picked up. I wouldn't fish without the Juice on my sacs, especially in ice cold waters.

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Jim I'll have to take back part of that statement. I have seen it work better in the rivers and creeks drift fishing at times with egg sacks. But that's a different story compared to deep water or lake trolling. We use to cure ower own in borax with anise along with it and certain days it did make a difference drifting.

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A lot of better fishermen are switching to the scented rubber/plastic lures made by Gulp, Yum, etc. and forgoing the use of minnows and worms. Their catch rates are higher, they claim. Anyway, I'm stockpiling a lot of that stuff also to use this year, like the lottery, you never know.

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Thanks to all for the replies all were great.I will have to try the WD40.But does it take the tape off after a while?The cooler thing is something I am going to try also.Thanks again for all the replies.Rich I will give you a call soon to shoot the breeze :lol:

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Rich D., I am thouroughly convinced that it puts extra fish in the box, in putting lures in the cooler . I like to put especially my flasher/cut bait rigs on top and in the mix of a catch for it leaves a film of slime( on flasher and bait head) that I feel puts things in your favor. I put several of my friends onto this some years ago, and now they too are believers as well.

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Whew: When Tim started this post I had no idea it would go this far. I was just stating what I've found over the year's. But I guess ole dog's can learn a few new tricks as well. Not disputing the sent deal as I've seen it work drifting or pan fishing bass, at times in shallower water. Just still not so sure about deep water lake fishing.

This aw-ta get ya all going tho. I'm interested in the input.

Good discussion.

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