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Allow trained and approved teachers to CCW


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That's all fine and dandy Matt, until you get a teacher that becomes unbalanced or emotionally unstable and no one recognizes it until the bullets start flying. Or what if a Rambo teacher hits a kid?

I understand what you're saying and I agree but the ramifications and "what if's" have to be considered as well.

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Arming teachers is a great idea. In addition to armed security in every school in the nation. Teachers are human and can become unbalanced but that will become obvious to many people before anything crazy happens.

Deterrents have to be put in place and that is a good one. Security doors are just not enough.

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I have known more than one teacher in my past I would not want see packing a water pistol let alone a 9 MM.

We have terrorists, racists and deviates teaching in our University's for Christ sakes.

Society needs to get back to the morals and values it once considered important before this type of action will decline.

Unfortunately, I don't see that happening anytime soon. :no:


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Always blaming the guns. Some people just want to blame the guns. We had this discussion at a family Christmas party today. There are guns, and loaded guns in every house out here in the "sticks" of upstate NY. Like in any rural community, kids are taught at an early age that guns don't EVER get pointed at a person.

If you want to blame something other than mental illness, take a look at the video games of today, that glorify killing other humans with guns. That being ingested by an unstable person over and over cannot be good.

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This was an Email I received today from Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, if you would like to read it

For Immediate Release: Friday, December 14, 2012

Dear John,

Please Forward to Your Local Newspapers, Radio Stations, and Television News Stations

Subject: Gun School For Teachers

Las Vegas, Nevada: In the wake of the yet another senseless school massacre, I ask all our politicians, law enforcement officials, and school administrators one simply question:


How many more children have to die before we will find the testicular fortitude, as a nation, to put in place REAL policies that will stop a deranged gunman in his tracks, before he can commit mass murder on innocent and defenseless children?

How many times do I have to offer the nation THE solution?

What the hell is wrong with the leaders of our country? Find a pair, and make the RIGHT decision to protect our children, not more of the wrong decisions that create the opportunity for the next lunatic to murder at will with zero resistance!

Once again, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, arguably the world leader in providing intensified courses in the defensive use of firearms for private citizens, has the answer to stopping further attacks on school children. Front Sight will once again offer free firearms training to any school administrator, teachers, or full time staff members designated as school Safety Monitors.

Front Sight will accept for training up to three staff members from each school, college or university.

Applicants must submit a letter requesting training on school letterhead signed by the top school district official and designating the applicant as the school's Safety Monitor.

Please forward this e-mail to your state and federal legislators, local law enforcement departments and your child's school administrator, as well as your friends and family, asking them to do the same.

Guns and Teachers

As Front Sight's Founder and Director, I understand my offer to train armed school teachers may offend some school administrators and parents who do not see arming and training selected school staff members as a positive solution to violent attacks. However, historically, my approach has worked while gun control has actually increased violent crime by shifting the balance of power to favor the criminals and lunatics.

My offer is not a new idea. In the early 70's, Israel was faced with much greater problems of armed terrorist attacks on schools. The cry for more gun control was heard then too, but Israel very carefully analyzed all possible options before adopting the proactive position of arming and training their teachers. School shootings stopped and terrorists looked for easier targets. Gun control never has and never will stop criminals and madmen from carrying out acts of gun violence.

In our country, every time a misguided individual on psychiatric drugs goes on a killing spree, anti self-defense legislators, watch the polls and exploit the dead victims in order to fool the public into accepting more gun control. It is time our country finds some resolve and the will to tackle the real problem, which is rooting out the actual influences in the lives people hat predispose them to commit atrocities. The problem is not guns. Guns don't cause these incidents to occur any more than cameras cause child pornography or automobiles cause traffic fatalities.

Israel had the right answer. Society is safer when we train and arm our law abiding citizens. As the defensive training leader in the USA, Front Sight is willing and able to set the example for the rest of the country to follow.

Armed Teachers

Dave Clark, who recently retired after teaching for the last 25 years at Junction Junior High School in Livermore, California agrees with Front Sight's philosophy. In fact, Mr. Clark has previously attended a Four Day Defensive Handgun course at Front Sight at his own expense and found the course to be exactly what is needed to train fellow teachers to stop an attack similar to Columbine school and Virginia Tech. "Front Sight provides safe and responsible training to a level that exceeds law enforcement standards." Says Mr. Clark. "Among the many lessons taught, I learned universally accepted rules in justifiable use of deadly force. More importantly, I learned when not to shoot and how to be more mentally prepared to see a lethal confrontation coming before it happens in order to avoid it. The firearms training is second to none and clearly gives the graduates the skill needed to save the lives of those in their charge if ever attacked. If my school district chose to adopt a policy of sending selected teachers to Front Sight for concealed handgun training, I would wholeheartedly support it and volunteer as a Safety Monitor. There is no reason for our children to continue to be victimized when free, professional training is available to stop school attacks."

Guns in Schools

There is evidence that a gun in the hand of a teacher will stop an armed attacker. The vice-principal of a school in Pearl, Mississippi used his handgun to stop and detain an armed killer until the police arrived. It seems obvious that armed and trained staff members inside the school are in a better position to identify the attackers and do something immediately to resolve the situation. It is much harder for police, who arrive on the scene too late to stop the killing.

Lawmakers With Blood on Their Hands

An obstacle to training and arming teachers is the current law in many states prohibiting the possession of firearms on school grounds even when the possessor is qualified and has a concealed weapons license.

Understand that those laws did not prevent or stop the gun violence at numerous schools over the last ten years. The brazen attacks in school after school during the last decade indicate criminals have concluded that 'Gun-Free-School-Zone' actually means 'Government Certified, Helpless and Unarmed Victim Zone.'

Schools Can't Afford to Pass on No Cost Security

Most school districts cannot afford to have even one full time police officer in every school, but they can easily afford to train three or more of their selected staff members to a higher level of firearms training than offered in police academies because Front Sight will provide the training at no cost.

Retired law enforcement firearms instructor, Mike Waidelich from Bakersfield, California strongly supports the Front Sight concept of arming and training teachers. "Nearly every tragedy on or off school grounds in the entire 30 years of my law enforcement career could have been prevented or the damage done considerably limited, by the presence of an armed and trained individual."

Concealed Guns

The training provided in Front Sight's basic training classes easily exceeds the training provided in most police basic training academies.

Front Sight proved it on their nationally televised reality series Front Sight Challenge. 80 Seasoned law enforcement officers from around the country went head-to-head in tests of marksmanship, speed and tactics against 80 private citizens-- including teachers-- who had not received any training other than Front Sight's firearms courses. Remarkably, the Front Sight trained, private citizens won over half of every contest.

Teachers will be trained to carry a concealed weapon, so potential attackers will not know which teachers are armed and which are not. In states that have adopted concealed weapon laws for private citizens, violent crime has dropped. School attacks will drop as well once it is known that any of the teachers and staff members on school grounds have the ability and training to stop a violent attack immediately.

There is also scientific research that supports Front Sight's stance on concealed weapon training from John Lott, Jr. at University of Chicago School of Law who published Crime, Deterrence and Right-to-Carry Concealed Handguns in July 1996. Mr. Lott's research of cross-sectional time-series data from all 3054 U.S. counties from 1977 to 1992 found that allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons deters violent crime and appears to produce no increase in accidental deaths. If those states which did not have right-to-carry concealed handgun provisions had adopted them in 1992, approximately 1,570 murders, 4,177 rapes, and over 60,000 aggravated assaults would have been avoided yearly.

Gun Control Increases Violent Crime

How many times must we experience another Littleton, Colorado or Virginia Tech or Newtown Connecticut massacre before we wake up, study the research and adopt policies which actually reduce crime and begin saving our children instead of leaving them helpless victims when the next psych drug user snaps?

Gun control increases violent crime yet some politicians continue to tout disarming law abiding citizens as a solution. Front Sight has a better solution.

Arm and train school teachers to carry a concealed weapon. And post a DIFFERENT sign outside of ever school!

Look for the RIGHT sign all over America. They are in front of the homes of armed and trained Front Sight students. If you were a deranged murderer, which house would you invade? One with an armed and trained occupant with a Front Sight sign or one who had a "Gun Free Zone" sign in his yard? The answer is simply to any rational person.


Don't have a sign? Get one here: http://www.readytodefend.com/frontsight/

Front Sight Yard Signs

Front Sight Yard Signs

Front Sight Window Decals

Front Sight Window Decals

It is time WE WAKE UP and start providing REAL protection for our children in schools. Front Sight stands ready, willing and able to train every teacher in America if that is what it takes! Help us protect your children by demanding YOUR school send their teachers to Front Sight!


Dr. Ignatius Piazza

Founder and Director

Front Sight Firearms Training Institute

7975 Cameron Drive, #900

Windsor, CA 95492


[email protected]


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Always blaming the guns. Some people just want to blame the guns. We had this discussion at a family Christmas party today. There are guns, and loaded guns in every house out here in the "sticks" of upstate NY. Like in any rural community, kids are taught at an early age that guns don't EVER get pointed at a person.

If you want to blame something other than mental illness, take a look at the video games of today, that glorify killing other humans with guns. That being ingested by an unstable person over and over cannot be good.

Vince, your remark about always blaming the guns is not really on the mark. To blame the guns is wrong,but using every opportunity,even terrible ones like the one that just happened, to sell always more guns IS to blame. The NRA is a commercial organization with one purpose only, which is to sell guns.

If anybody thinks that they need an M16 or an AK 47 to defend their home,they should join the army and go to Afghanistan for a while. that might change their point of view.

As for video games, I think that those games are terrible ,mostly because they glorify killing.

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The NRA is not a commercial organization and they are not in the business of selling guns, they are an organization that exists to protect the interests of a particular group of American Citizens, much the same as Boat US does for it's constituents. However, apart from that shallowly attempted deflection, the real cheap opportunists out there are those that will use this tragedy to try and advance their anti gun/gun banning agenda. You'll never prevent a psycho from doing what psycho's do, but disarming the victims is a really poor solution to the problem.

rolmops, I don't think anyone thinks they need an M16 or AK 47 to defend their home, (really pathetic non-sequitur there by the way), but anyone that thinks or claims that society is made safer by disarming those that are not the problem, of whatever firearms they choose to possess, is being either unbelievably naive and simplistic, or disgracefully intellectually dishonest.


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Tim,this is not a discussion about the right to bear arms and I am sorry for allowing myself to be provoked into that direction.

Just one final word. I fought in 3 wars and it has completely healed me from ever wanting to hold a gun again.

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Going to be hard to find conservative teachers to arm in most schools. Precisely the reason for advertised "gun free zone" on some school grounds. That promotes a feeling of false safety that only those who focus on the gun used in a crime will feel secure with. Unfortunately the truth is a criminal has propensity to immoral thinking and acts the thinking into how best to compromise someone's complacency and vulnerabilities. They are cowards, socially inept, and that makes them feel the need to break morality and violate any one of the 10 laws that shape our humanity on earth. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS.

That should be taught in our schools, this is America, the Constitution should be taught It's meanings.

Remember ...it only took some people with box cutters, who were against our values here in America, to bring us to our knees one day...I think about that every time I open my tool box to get one out or see one in a store. No background check needed to buy or use the box cutter....I might add, that they were not necessarily mentally ill...just exploiting our complacency and our sense of false security.

I would NOT send my child to a school that advertised that kind of thinking today. No... the sale of guns is not the problem, that makes them safer in the hands of responsible, moral people with background checks.

Could spell disaster for the afore mentioned, terrorist, racist, deviate type teachers who want to indoctrinate our kids into believing what THEY WANT! I say let them go through the security check to own a handgun. All the better.


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Can't get away from the fact that this is happenning more & more. Also can't get away from the fact that the prefered killing instrument is more often than not a gun. It seems to me that all these vidieo games that our young people play may be a bad influence on some of the more unstable types that are prone to violence,and almost train their minds & desencitize them. That problem is that when an incident like this happens it is so catistrophic. Don't know what the answer is but maybe having a police officer in school might be a detourant. Banning guns probably won't help. also Don't think school should look like the old west.

All I know is when you send your kid to school ,they should come home safe. My heart goes out to the families.

Huckabee is right.

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Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your perspective, there will never be teachers who CCW here. Over half the people that I've spoken to have said they'd pull their kids out of school if teachers had guns. Others indicated that the presence of weapons in some schools would itself be an incite to violence. In this society, with this many people, there's a certain amount of craziness that's going to result...mental illness, pharmaceuticals, video games, whatever is to blame...and there are just no precautions that will absolutely prevent the cost to society. It's particularly painful when that cost is borne by those who have no say yet.

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I agree it is completely different today to have to think of having armed officials in a school. Today is different. That is the fact. Those of us who grew up in school and graduated before the electronic boom, knew how to get out and socialize. We played outside and no one ever worried about us that much. We grew up to appreciate our humanity even if some of us had challenges. Bully kids were there, name calling got done and feelings were hurt or anger came and went but we never went to get a gun from the parking lot. Yes there were guns in the parking lot. In rural America it was common to see them in the rack in a pickup truck. Teachers and administrators had them too if they hunted. Seems alien to us now doesn't it?

Why is that? In my opinion it is because guns were never used in horrific crimes like this today. They were out of mainstream circulation because they were something never to be feared but respected. What about the gun changed? It is still a gun. People have learned to fear guns only because desensitized humans are directed at society to commit crimes.

I wasn't there, I don't know how the actions of the school officials went down, but all I hear on the news sources that there were heros who gave their lives doing what they could to stop an assailant......without a licensed concealed handgun.

I would much rather hear about the heros in the LIVE form. I believe if the principal, or the 27 year old teacher, or the any one of the other officials had been trained, not just in emergency preparedness, but in defensive firearm training. This would have had a very different outcome, possibly heralding the saving of all the children and many others lives.

Then how would the gun in the hands of one of the heros be judged. It's not fair to judge the gun when it can only be used against society before it can be used for society.

We have the right to use guns for good, it should not scare people into believing that they are bad in the hands of all people. It is merely a tool, and it only has danger in the hands of incapable, untrained, and impaired brains.

So is a nailgun, so is a car, so is a super airliner, so is a box cutter....do we fear them?...no ...do we know what they can do in the hands of incompetent people? ...no one has to take a background check for these afore mentioned things...well almost. I do because I haul hazmat on an 18 wheeled truck. I never had to before 911.

Today is different, the gun did not change that, society did and it should not be feared or else we should fear the security forces as well. Armed teachers would have first hand response. Police cannot ever get there fast enough to stop the assailant. All they can do is say of they only had a chance to avert this with equal force. In a good way against an evil way. Good prevails. Don't restrict the good people. They are all the ones who we hear about that died. I am sad. ;(:(


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My heart also goes out to the families. Very tragic & I hope it's never repeated. Enough is enough.

What about the gun changed? It is still a gun.

Wonder if our ancestors could of won the Revolutionary War in a couple months rather than in 7 years if they had had fully automatic assault rifles or Glocks that held 15 rounds rather than their single ball muskets.....There's quite a difference between an AR-15 & a barrel loader.

I have no issue with hunting at all but how many rounds does a hunter need to bring down a deer?

Someone once said "Mine's bigger than yours" and the reply was "such a waste, the rest of yours will never get used."

Armed teachers would have first hand response.

Kind of like the gunfight at the OK Corral. How big of a gun would you give them? Recently Police were issued "better" guns "because crooks had more fire-power."

Tom B.


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Surpised no one has mentioned the MEDIA in all this. In my opinion, the liberal, panty wasted media is responsible for virtually ALL of the continued violence in this country.

If someone gets "picked on" for being "different" and goes home and kills themselves the media jumps on the bullying bandwagon and everyone clamors for "policital correctness". Its become so bad you can't even DISCUSS things like homosexuality, racism and, yes, mental illness, in a public place any more.

So....if you can't discuss it, it becomes ignored. And then we have animals like this scum that the media keeps glorifying----who, 20 years ago, would have just put a bullet in his OWN head, now can seek the "glory and fame" by doing something like this.

The MEDIA created him by glorifying the last few "massacres". The MEDIA'S political correctness "crusade" allowed him to grow his sickness into pure evil. And now the MEDIA is glorifying him with constant coverage so the next whack job can generate the same kind of evil.

When the media stops the constant coverage of these tragedies and people learn to call a spade a spade (again) these disasters will subside. They won't go away---evil will never go away--but at least it won't be "advertised".

Off my soapbox!

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I'm sorry Tom,, but no . the okay corral gunfight was a planed gunfight. 4 Lawmen against 5 outlaws and 2 of them ran away in fear of the lawmen because of their proficiency with their hand guns and Doc Holliday's shotgun may have been the only advantage . A 30 second gun fight and good did prevail no surprises .

giving the revolutionaries AND the royal forces AR fifteens would have sent the English home a lot sooner given their proficiency with weapons and desire to be free .

the few against the many in skills prevails no matter how many bullets in the gun. a miss with a 50 caliber is the same as a miss with the 22 caliber

most hunters will not choose an ar-15 as a hunting implement . most hunting laws regulate the firearm to contain less than 5 rounds . an ar-15 cannot be concealed .

and we're making this too much about the gun in the hand of a person who should not have 1 ...make it a chainsaw .

How many rounds does a hunter need to bring down a deer?

only 1 in a skilled manor hunters don't use 9 millimeter glocks with 15 rounds, only folks who want to use licensed equal force to protect themselves in the face of life for death with a criminal .... Nor fully automatic rifles which require even more special licensing than any other weapon in the world.

how many rounds does it take the police to take down a cracked up criminal ?

And Paul ...you are absolutely right on...liberal advertised glorification media.

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On the money Paul... and aren't these lib pussys great. They call for gun laws. But produce movies in Hollywood that inspire all of ithe violent video game industry. Now the **** hits the fan in Conn. And now they run for the hills... delaying the release of the most resent Tom Cruise shoot em up movie, as well as cutting shooting scenes out.

Pathetic pussy hypocrites.

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Most of the teachers today are concerned with saving whales or forests. There are a few conservatives mixed in but I highly doubt that any would feel comfortable packing a glock. With that said, The VPs or principles, or better yet, a well trained person in the field of security to be on the school payroll. A lot of the rules about guns were designed to save students from students. What we just had in Conn. is absolutely horrific. It scares the hell out of me to think that my kids may have this happen. It already happened once so it is possible, it could happen again. I have a 6yr and a 7yr old and from what I read the same security protocol in their school.

I am not a member of the NRA but I have hunted since I was old enough to shoot a BB gun. I have a lot of guns (no pistols) and all of them are designed for hunting. I showed my wife two identical guns with different stocks at Gander Mtn. She thought the grey smoke stock with handle grips was more dangerous than the natural finish standard model. Thats the problem I have with gun control is that tree huggers don't even know the difference between guns, ammunition, etc. They hear buzz words and it gets them all fired up. I call them scary looking guns. I thought about buying one. The .177 with scope and noise suppressor. It looks scary. Perfect for killing squirrels and scaring libs.

I was taught how to respect a gun from day one by my father. I played video games with violence and know the difference. I watch action movies and westerns and know the difference. Don't point the gun at anything unless you intend to kill it. Gun control sounds fine but at what point is the second ammendment voided? How about we make our children educated and we take control our households and stop expecting government to take care of us. the koolaid they serve has to be getting sour by now. Me complaining about it won't stop anything. It is an absolutely terrible event and will most likely divide us as a nation.

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I don't think teachers or principles should be carrying any guns, Here in Tompkins County, I think we pay enough school taxes and property taxes, I think that would be enough money to support fulltime police officers at schools in this County, Tell me why in gods creation Tompkins County needs 20 official cars for the Health Department, Coffee getters? Someone try to answer this please. (welfare) Sorry about the gripe.

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