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Skin cancer

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Had surgery for skin cancer 12 yrs ago. They thought they got it all at the time. Just had more extensive surgery last week and came close to losing my eye. Just want to remind all you guys to wear sun screen out there. Remember if you already had skin cancer all the sun screen in the world won't help. Remember to get checked by a dermatologist at least once a year. You can't always see it yourself that's why annual checks are important. Good luck on the water!

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I also had it on my shin of all places. 34 years old. Caught it early because it was itchy and had two surgeries to remove it so was lucky. now I use full UPF Gear everytime outside. Pants and long sleeve. Cover up and do the same for your children as children who get sunburnt are 50% more likely to develop skin cancer as an adult. That's my PSA for the day.

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I had one removed from the right cheek on my face 3 weeks ago and they made a 2 inch incision by a plastic surgeon which has largely healed now. This stuff is nothing to mess around with. I'm now looking at getting some sort of extensions for my bimini and will be using sunscreen for sure from now on in stead of going with my top down and most of the time without sunscreen. It catches up with you over time and I sure don't want to go through this again. The sun exposure is accumulative over time so you well may not be aware of it and fair skinned folks are quicker to have it happen.  Mine started out as just a little spot that itches then became sensitive to the touch and whitish in appearance so I thought at first it might be an ingrown hair but it didn't go away so I had it checked out....Glad I did because it was cancerous. I think this is a very timely topic with the season almost upon us.

Edited by Sk8man
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I got one of those face socks and I am going to try to wear it.  I don't like sunscreen.  I already wear the long sleave breathable shirts and pants.  My Mom had skin cancer on her forehead a few times.  Good luck guys... 

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