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Question regarding invasive water fleas


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Question regarding invasive water fleas

I don't fish Lake Ontario as frequently as some of you as I fish the various Finger Lakes as well as Lake O. I have noticed every time I have fished Lake O this flea season that the previously notorius and irritating fishook type whitish grey in color and sticking to the line much as cottenwood does were replaced on my lines by light to medium green and sometimes translucent invasives that resembled prickly pears or bottle brushes and could be shaken from the lines regardless of type of line very easily while retrieving them and the other type was only very lightly present if at all. Was this different than the experience of others out there? I'm wondering if this was a localized situation or lake wide...

On Caanandaigua on Sunday  we had extremely gooey dark brown to black gobs of what appeared to be dying or already dead fleas all over ourlines regardless of type line and they hung in clusters andwere difficult to get off.(very slimey). On this one my hunch is that the fleas are "tanking" and dying off now on Canandaigua as part of the annual cycle. Anyone with a scientific take on this?


Edited by Sk8man
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On lake Erie, you'll see more of the the "prickly pear" style of flea....... they're spiny water fleas and no where near as troublesome on fishing lines.

On Ontario, we see more of the difficult to deal with type...... fishhook water fleas. But, once the fishhook numbers start to go down, you'll see some of the spinys on Ontario too

I'm guessing that the fishhook variety is more cold water tolerant, and a way bigger pita.

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Les I believe they finish their reproductive cycle in August. Females carry their brood on their backs. The green color i believe comes from algae. You may have trolled into a gaggle of reproducing females with gooey spawn bags attachments. They are good on a cracker. 

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1 hour ago, Gill-T said:

Les I believe they finish their reproductive cycle in August. Females carry their brood on their backs. The green color i believe comes from algae. You may have trolled into a gaggle of reproducing females with gooey spawn bags attachments. They are good on a cracker. 


Yumm LMAO!!!!!

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