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Hey guys my dad and I took out my aunt and her grandchildren this morning for first time. Crushed lakers for them and also had a salmon hit so they had a blast. Here are some pics from that. 
Fyi also my truck was broken into someone decided to slash open my tonocover while we were out fishing so I came back to that. So just beware to lock your stuff up. I lost a few straps but nothing major thank god.







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Wtf that’s crazy man! That’s why I wanted to start this post. I was the 3rd boat/truck there this morning. I left the dock at 5:15/5:30. I will be upgrading to hard top for Sure now. But people

are ridiculous. Sorry man it happen to you too.

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we got a late start and launched at about 8:45. I didn't notice anything or anyone "suspicious"...... but I didn't look at the t-covers to see if they were intact. 


Did anyone file a police report? You can contact the park police..... and file a report....... I had a battery stolen once and did so...... don't know that it will help your case, but at least the "authorities" become aware of what's going on, and may park in the East lot more often.........


As for the fishing...... couple of small kings and a couple of browns.... one at about 13 lbs....... no lampreys


Edited by Traveling Circus
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I’ll give the park police a call Tomorrow. I’ll be out that way again launching at 5am. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again. I had a busy day after fishing with family. I patched it for now tho. If anyone going out of Sandy again shoot me a msg see if we can get on some fish!

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It's been happening there for years. A few years ago it happened to us. someone broke in my brothers truck while we were fishing. they took a cheap pair of binoculars and the registration. Have seen several piles of glass over the years from broken windows. its so isolated unless you have a cop there full time you'll never stop it. that won't happen 

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Trick i use alot hunting state land i have a pickup truck and covered bed

Put a couple trail cams facing out the windows the back window especially . Mount them visible and make sure they are cellular models   .  I use 3 spypoints when scumbags see them they f,ing bolt away. nobody stealing gear or distroying property wants their picture taken.

Also hang a couple around any hunting property  or private property you might have along the driveway or dirtroad .

Dont hide them believe me this works but make sure they are cellular models so the pics come to your phone incase they steal the cameras. 

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