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Mr. Twister

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Posts posted by Mr. Twister

  1. Toby's trick to jiggin Lake O salmon during the summer was to wait for a lake flip. No lake flip = no fish. The method of jigging in the same as in the Finger Lakes; use a 1 oz lead head, 12 pound test and a heavy 7 foot rod. He was using the same baits, just bigger... 5 3/4 inch or 7 inch Fin-S or 4 inch tubes - mostly the Fin-S. Jiggin started in 70 FOW and rarely went over 100 as the jig wouldn't make it deep enough. He wouldn't waste time in areas where there was excessive expanses of water between 70 FOW and deep, deep water say 250 FOW as the fish wouldn't come into the zone. Jigging when the fish were staging in 20-30 FOW didn't work, the fish would not chase. The fishing is slow, real slow when compaired to the Finger Lakes Laker bite. Don't expect bites every trip. We never caught Lakers or chrome - just Kings and Browns. Turn the sensitivity up on the fish finder so you can watch the jig; when you get a chase, keep droping the jig until you are about 5 feet away from the fish and then start a slow retrieve. If they drop to the bottom, drop the jig back. You will catch fish you don't see - usually Browns at or near the surface. The Lake O fish will be very scattered so you usually fish single fish on the screen. Be prepaired, the Lake O fish chase about 2% of the time versus the Finger Lake Lakers that chase 50%. Toby would point his boat into the wind and then use the trolling motor to back-drift slow enought for a vertical presentation. Hope this helps.

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