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Posts posted by champy1013

  1. I've seen boats out there trolling last sunday...seemed they may be picking up a few small ones. I know from the causeway you can cast out cleo spoons and get them. I got one on sunday - a whopping 10 inches long....so I am by no means an expert on it. I too wonder where to go/what to use...

  2. From the Syracuse Post Standard:

    The DEC's annual fall search for chinook salmon eggs continues.

    Workers from the DEC's salmon hatchery in Altmar were over in Western New York earlier this week at 18-Mile Creek, west of Rochester. With a conservation officer nearby, the staffers solicited anglers as they landed fish, asking if they wanted their catches to be used in the egg collection effort.

    The Salmon River chinook run has petered out, said Phil Hulbert, superintendent of the state's hatchery system. DEC workers have had to go elsewhere to try to achieve their goal of getting 3.8 million eggs. They now have about 1.5 million.

    Responding to rumors that anglers were being encouraged to "snatch" the fish, Hulbert said it was definitely not an "anything goes" environment on 18-Mile Creek.

    "If someone foul-hooked a fish, they were advised they could not keep it. . . . that they could turn it over to us, or let it go," he said.

  3. I was out of town this past weekend - I thought maybe they finger lakes got some nice rain...guess not. I was thinking about heading down to check out Trumansburg/Taguhannock Creek, and then head down into Ithaca. Gotta get those water levels up!

    Do you usually get large fish in these creeks? This is my first year trying the tribs and up in the Salmon river for fall run fish. Not sure what the size difference is down here compared to up north

  4. Went up out of Mexico in the afternoon with Ray R. - lake as calm as can be. Ran to the mouth of the Salmon river, trolled with the other boats in anywhere from 10-20' of water. Wasn't marking anything, no hits on the riggers (running J-plugs on the boards, spoons on the riggers). Ran out to 90-100' near the plant - marked a few bait pods, but the screen soon cleared up.

    Came back in near the mouth of the river with the throng of about 20 boats, including some people paddling river drifting boats with planar boards. Had a nice hit on the j-plug down 5' on the rigger in about 11' of water. The salmon were everywhere in shore - jumping and breaching the surface just west of the river mouth. Only saw one fish boated - it looked pretty quiet. Talked to a few other people - one fish seemed to be the max of the day.

    Lots of dead/dying fish on the surface - even some really silver ones. We definately need some rain. Haven't seen anyone fishing the river.

    maybe back this weekend?

  5. I took off 3 months between jobs last summer and drove from Syracuse to Alaska - stopping all along the way. Fished everywhere - much to my girlfriend's dismay, although she did enjoy the fresh fish nearly every night.

    Westslop Cutthroat trout from Avalance Lake, Glacier NP - Montana:


    Pink Salmon, Chilkoot Lake, Haines, Alaska:


    Sea-run Dolly Varden, Chilkoot Lake:


    Artic Grayling, in Wrangell St. Elias National Park:


    Artic Grayling and landlocked Dolly Varden, which look a lot like brook trout:


    Chum or Dog Salmon in Hyder, Alaska. This one had to be close to 30 lbs.


    Same one:


    Another nice sea-run Dolly in Hyder, Alaska:


    It's great fishing up there. Can't wait to go back and get the silvers and sockeyes

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