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Posts posted by GBrad

  1. Sorry SNSH, I would love to support Screwy Louie but we have been in his store every year for over 20 years thinking this year will be different looking for some fishing item we forgot back in NC and the guy is a complete RICHARD. He never greets anyone who comes in the store, always finds something to yell at the kids about (by the way my youngest child is 16) and he gives no fishing help or advice on anything. I don't know how he stays in business. I would drive back to Charlotte to get something before I would buy anything from him. God forbid you ask about using his precious bathroom. Thats what my son got lit up last year by him for when he asked to use his restroom. You would of thought he asked for one of his kidney's. We support every store in that town for the whole week except his which is funny because the main thing we do while we are there is fish. I bet we make at least 6-10 trips to Wallmart during the week just for fishing stuff. We get gas and donuts from the little gas station/grocery store every morning, we get ice cream from the Ice cream store every night after dinner, we get t-shirts and hoodies from gift store, and some mornings we go get breakfast in town so we try to do our part. Sorry for the rant but you struck a nerve with me about Screwy Louie. He might be a great guy to to others and I'm sure there are a ton of locals that like him and will rip me a new one for talking trash about him and that's OK. If he is a friend of any of your I'm sorry but that's been our experience every time we walk in his store.    

  2. Thanks BuckMaster, we weren't going to drill holes in the boat since they make several types of slide in gimbal rod mounts for all the different makes of DR. Plus were only a couple hours from the NC coast and want to have the ability to do some deeper fishing there when we go. The concept of trolling in general is super interesting to me from the perspective of being able to take more people fishing with us and more people have fun since we can choose who grabs the rod next. What your suggesting sounds like what might be easier and quicker answer to our situation. Can you give us a little more insight possibly even a picture of what that setup looks like to use the braid dipsey with copper reels and in line boards? Do you live in the Fairhaven NY area?  

  3. Thanks Sherman and I agree whole heartedly about taking a charter they are a game changer. I thought I included this in my original post but we have taken 3 charters out of little Sodus bay over the years 2 with Billy V which were amazingly and 1 with some other guy that was a bad trip. I just want to start learning more about trolling and it’s a great place to start. If we have no luck and don’t catch anything that’s OK. Being in LO with my 2 boys figuring this out will be worth it all. Time on the water with the family is priceless so might as well do some fishing while we’re at it. We will probably wait till we get up there to purchase a DR set up. There are way more available up north then here in NC.

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app

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  4. We are in Charlotte, NC getting ready to head north to Fairhaven Beach State Park and Lake Ontario for our annual family vacation which is our 52nd straight years making the voyage. This year we are bringing my sons Yamaha 190 FSH and want to take on some bigger water fishing this year with down riggers. We need to purchase at least one maybe 2 DR if the price is right so we've been looking here locally on CL and there isn't much since our lakes aren't real deep. There is a guy who is selling a Sears DR with 150 SS line, snap clip, gimbal rod holder mount, and 10lb cannon flash weight new in the box for $150. I think the Cannon 10lb Flash weight is worth $40, the gimbal mount is worth $60 and I don't know what the DR is worth says it works great. I wish I could share a picture but cant figure out how to attach one.   

  5. Two years ago I put a post on this forum simply looking for the right tackle to use for fishing around Fairhaven State Park. I got a response from someone who told me to stop trying to shore fish and charter a boat. I took there advice and clicked on the link to Billy V's web site, booked a trip and just finished fishing our second year with Billy V in the Oswego Pro Am. We were the four guys in the picture that helped Billy land some decent King's on Sunday morning. We may not have had the biggest boat or the best looking crew minus Billy and Jay but I'll tell you that we were not short on equipment or fishing knowledge. Billy and his boat works like a well oiled machine. He combines his love and passion for fishing into a coaching type atmosphere and makes everyone from a 13 year old boy to a 45 year old man want to come back for more.

    Thanks to who ever sent me the link to the Billy V web site and thanks to both Billy and Jay for another great summer of fishing.

    "Fish On".


  6. Yes, we did get stopped on our return from the trip so that was us indeed. I couldn't help but notice that you guys had a few poles in the boat. Do you guys have any luck out there?

    Because our trip was not until the end of our stay at camp we still fished the park as much as possible. We threw all we had but only saw action on rubber worm and only under the bridge. Im sure we would of had more luck with live bait but I just can't bring myself to do it. Id rather catch less with fake bait then more with real bait. Stubborn I guess.

    Thanks again for the charter tip.

  7. I have been on cloud nine for almost a week now since my fishing adventure last saturday night with Billy V and Jay. If you go to his web site you will see the five of us and the fruits of our labor. We hooked 8 Kings but only boated 7. There was a grand total of over 100 pounds of fish and 55 pounds of King Salmon filets. We had an amazing time and I can't say enough about Billy and Jay. We left the dock at 3:00, had all 7 lines droped by 3:20 and had 5 King's boated by 4:20. I though I was dreaming. Billy and Jay attacked the fish that night like nothing I had ever seen. They were serious about there strategy, fun with the younger guys on the boat, and very informative about the equipment they use and and all his electronics. I could not get over how helpful Billy was with us and other fisherman on the water that night. He was constantly sharing what kind of lures he was using, the color combinations that were working, his trolling speed, GPS location and water temp in which he was fishing in. I was thinking to myself, if we were in FLA no one would be sharing that kind of info.

    My family and I have been making the trip to Fairhaven Beach State park for over 20 years now and I promise you I will never do it again without going out on the water with Billy. Thank you

  8. Well I have booked a evening charter trip with Billy V for July 28 and can't be more excited. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks for the help.

    The problem is we get to Fairhaven park on July 22. We will still be fishing the lake all around the park up until we go on the charter. I've had some luck with rubber worms and bass on the parks interior water by the diving boards but the lake by the piers towards the bluff has me stumped. Any suggestions with top water, spoons or jigs?

  9. We will be making our 28th trip to Fairhaven State park in about three weeks from Charlotte, NC. I can't wait to wet the line off the piers at the park. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what lures will help us land some repectable fish from the pier. We fish at the park every year but never really catch much. We will be trying the blue light at night but need some new ideas during the day.

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