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Posts posted by Bluedog

  1. now them look like some serious cowbells there....and let the record show....Bluedog never gets mad, and actually enjoys it when someone out there in cyberworld actually has a sense of humor....very refreshing. So I am going to have to start looking for "cowbells" around here then....dang, and I though my bullridin' days were over.....after the broken wrist I just never could quite hold on just right anymore....and that was the last time I saw a "cowbell"......sold the rope and the home made cowbell for 50 bucks after that rodeo and never looked back.... 8)

  2. I can appreciate what you are saying Edd, my main point being however that you cant even buy the stuff here, in any sporting goods store I have been to.


    So I guess the question is, have they already tried it and ruled it out as an effective means of catching trout, and have moved on to more efficient means and methods? Who knows...I just wish I could find some more pop gear at a decent price, cause I sure like using it, ad it has always seemed to work well for me....and it is a fun way to fish....and the DRAG....heck that is part of the fun! Have a good one!

  3. I use nothing but lake trolls and dodgers for trout. I use an 18 inch leader behind the lake troll, sometimes I use a snubber too, but not really a big deal. Then on the leader I tie a #6 gamakatsu treble hook and I have a way that I thread the worm on so the tip of his tail hangs out abot 1/4" behind the treble, and the rest covers the hook. I use a tiny tiny crochet needle, break the worm in half, stick the crochet needle inside the broken end and push it until almost all the way to the tip then poke it through, hook the needle on the leader, and slide the worm all the way down on the leader, hook up to the lake troll and then you are ready to slam em! Works for me.


    These were caught today on lake trolls and the above decribed setup. I wont use nothin else.

  4. South Central PA....York County to be exact. I just won some ford fenders and some slim jims on ebay....gonna try them out this weekend. To me the ideaology is pretty sweet, the lake trolls really work well no matter where you fish them, I think it's more of a thing of keeping a system that works for you....les davis bolo trolls, brass, with the red and black dots in the middle....18 inches behind the gear....put a worm on a treble, and I will kiss your behind if you cant catch a bunch of trout with that combo in any water....and i know it works....cause I aint kissin nobody's behind!

  5. Using the pop gear and worm method is pretty much the only way I even fish out of a boat....but I am in new territory...so I dont know if it will work here, I guess I'll find out. I wish I had a camera to capture the stupified look on the locals face when I ask them where the "lake trolls" or "pop gear" is located in the store....it's almost as if I am speaking a whole different language...infreakincredible I tell ya. I guess it is a good thing there is ebay or online stores....sure dont want to run out of the magic lake trolls...

    I also use dodgers with lead core line.....and a worm about 2 feet behind it on a treble, and we only use half of the worm, and take a small crochet needle and thread it on the hook....awesome system, ya'all oughta try it sometime and let me know how it works in your part of the country. 8)

  6. I used to use Les Davis bolo flexi troll's when I lived out west in Utah. We would run a 18 inch mono leader behind the trolls with half of a nite crawler on it....the fish slammed it, every lake I tried it on, big or small they just hammered it and it was a lot of fun fishing....

    here is my dilema, now I live in Pennsylvania and I haven't fished here yet, but do you think that the same method would work back east here like it did out west? I have a tacklebox full of different "pop gear" and some spinners and that is pretty much it. The folks I ask about trolling for trout here, just look at me funny and go..."Huh?" There are also some lakers where I will be trying it out, as well as 'bows and browns.

    Do ya'all think this method of fishing will be effective here or do I need to learn how the locals git r done?

    Thanks for your help

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