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Posts posted by fatgrouper11

  1. I saw the picture the other day of the 25 LB brown caught and was curious to know how that Lake O beauty stacks up against fish taken in years past. Does anyone have a wall hanger above the fireplace or safely released a Brown over 25 lbs?


    Do you think our fishery has what it takes to rival this New Zealand beast? Looks like this fish was cheating.. eating pellets washed down from a Salmon farm. Smart fish....



    Considering the current world record is from Lake Michigan back in 2010 I think our waters have just a good a chance as any to produce a world record Brown.



  2. Thanks for insight. This time of year are you keeping most lures high up in water column or are you dropping some down deeper on riggers? I was marking some fish near the drop offs you mention but assumed they were schooling walleyes down 20-30 ft..

    I kept all of my spoons down between 5 and 10 ft and 40 to 60 ft back...

    Ps - this hoops NCAA Championship game is a great game!

    Thanks again


  3. With yesterday's stiff off shore breeze I used my better judgement on my shake down cruise to stay inside I-Bay and try and locate some Spring Browns. I've never fished inside the Bay and assumed that fishing as close to the mouth of Irondequoit Creek would be a good spot for some fish dropping back  or congregating in the warm water coming into the Bay. I didn't realize how shallow the water gets long before you reach the mouth of the creek which made fishing difficult at the South end of the Bay.


    Is there a certain area of the Bay that tends to be more productive than others this time of year for Spring Browns? I spent most of the morning cruising the 5ft -10 ft contour line along the shore around the 104 bridge with limited success. 1 hit but fish spit the hooks...


    Any insight is appreciated! I have to imagine there are some big fish cruising in the Bay and look forward to giving it another go.....





  4. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:4:00PM - 6:00 PM


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 1

    Total Boated:1

    Species Breakdown:Brown

    Hot Lure: Dbl Orange Crush Stinger

    Trolling Speed: 1.5 - 2 MPH

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth: 10ft

    Lure Depth: 5 ft



    Only out for a few hours on the 31st. Caught a beautiful Brown just East of I-Bay. Michigan Stinger, Double Orange Crush was the weapon of choice.



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