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Posts posted by Pizzaboy

  1. Nice fish Chad! Thanks for sharing your info. I am planning on taking my son later this week to try for his first muskie. I have a 19' deep-v, and was wondering if I would be able to launch it, or if the water level is to low for that size boat. I would hate to drive all that way to find out I can't get the boat in and out safely. Did you pull your boat at the launch, or from your docking area?

  2. Tried my luck for a couple days earlier this week.. no luck for me. Picked up a pike on a spoon around Blanket Island one morning, and marked a few fish off whiskey Island, but no takers. Met another guy staying at the same motel, he said its been slow for him the past week. He was marking a lot more baitfish around Carlton Island then anywhere else. Nitro, you were right about getting a good chip for the graph. Lots of shoals to run up on if you don't know your way around. Hopefully I can get up there again before the season ends.

  3. Flips, I was there on Tuesday morning for a few hours, water temp was around 55 if I can remember correctly. As far as the lake level goes, I'm not sure as I don't fish there but once or twice a year. I launched my 19ft. boat at the launch with no problems if that helps any. The wife and I fished the south end along the weeds, and spinners seemed to work best for us for the pike. Good luck! Bill

  4. Hey guys, any chance I could get some help for that area? I've never fished 40 acre and was Wondering where you guys stay (Canada or U.S. side) What options do I have for boat launches both sides of the border? Whats the quickest and easiest way to get a Canadian license? I'm hoping to head up Monday for a few days to give it a try. I did pick up a hot spots map, so if anyone cares to point me in the right area, and any other tips you would care to share, that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance Bill

  5. Capt. Larry, Thank you for your help. I will give it a try tomorrow, and see how it goes! Getting a fish will be a huge bonus, but just checking out new waters will be fun! Thanks again Larry for the tips, and I hope to come back with a pic of a nice fatty and good story to tell. Bill

  6. Hi guys, making my first trip to the river for muskie tomorrow, and am hoping to get some advice! First, where is the best place to launch? I am going solo, and don't know the area very well, so a launch with a dock still in would make things easier. Second, where can I find a good map? Others have mentioned places like Donleys wall, homeland security, black creek canal, etc. Are these places easily noticeable or marked on any maps? Third, does anyone cast, or is trolling the way to go? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance. Bill

  7. Gustofson, by no means am I a pro with the muskie fishing, but would be glad to share what I can as far as Chautauqua goes. Lower Dewittville Bay, picked up 4 casting red and white daredevils 10 - 15 fow. My 14 yr. old son caught a huge Gar that same trip in that same area. Upper Dewittville Bay, had 2 follows casting spinners just to the left of where the creek enters the lake, casting close to the markers. I know you said you would be mostly casting, but I caught one trolling the southern basin around the deep hole off salt pt. and caught my PB 44" trolling just outside the weeds at the Mayville flats. Both came off a rapala mag. I have only fished that lake 6 or 7 times, so I am still trying to learn more of the lake. I would love to be there for the opener, but I'm heading up to the French river that week to explore some different waters! Hope that helps some, and let me know how you make out!

  8. Times two, Thanks for the help, I have plenty of daredevils to bring. Parepadarappa, I will be there the 20th- 23rd, but staying on a different section of the river. If it were up to me, I would be staying for the whole week, but my partner can't stay that long. I am hoping to pull the boat one day and head to Hartley Bay and fish that area of the river, at least to check it out while I'm up there. I will look for your boat if I get to your area. I will have a green and white Sylvan 195 pro select with n.y. stickers.

  9. LOTS of wind the past few days, especially today. 59 yo 61 surface temps. Caught some crappie in Mile arm bay in the back left corner near the trailers about 8 to 12 FOW, Brown bay area, and a few near Upper deep bay. Most just under size, but a few good ones. Perch minnows on hair jigs, even a few on white mister twisters with the spinners. One Walleye in the middle of Upper deep bay on the twister, about 20",(surprised me)

    also picked up some bass and pike in that bay, no real size to either. Nothing in Lonesome bay, Marked fish along the deep area, but couldn't get any takers. Did ok in Brown bay with the pike, again no real big ones. The old June bug spinner tipped with a twister tail worked well for me the past few days. as did a pink and silver jointed rebel. A few Bass and pike in black bay, and Big bay, again no size to them. Tough fishing with the wind and cool weather, but at least we stayed dry!

  10. Gambler, thanks for the response. I am not sure exactly what area I will be heading to, hoping to get feedback from anyone who has been there. I will look into the French River Lodge you recommended. Did you run downriggers, bottom bouncers, or were you casting/jigging? Thanks again, Bill

  11. Hello everyone, was wondering if anybody has any advice on fishing the french river? I am heading up sometime in June, and would like to get into some pike, walleye, and possibly a muskie or 2 (if there in season when I go). Is any 1 part of the river better than the other?(upper, middle, lower) Any certain bays or areas I should try? Any suggestions on a good housekeeping lodge to stay at? Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, pizzaboy

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