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Posts posted by JeffN

  1. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 5

    Total Boated:4

    Species Breakdown:coho, kings

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth:

    Lure Depth:



    At the lake at 6 am and decided to head for breakfast as the waves were pounding like crazy. Back at the lake and at 730. After much dscussion we decided to give it a try (my daughter pushed me to it!) Went out to 50 fow and dropped lines. 2 sd/fly on dipsy, 3 riggers (1 Sd fly, 1 paddle/meat, 1 sd meat). trolled out to 80 ish fow and dispy fires and thought was a miss(bit fly off). As I brought it in toi check deep rigger fires. I hand rod to friend who was on his first salmon trip, and he battles fish in. When it hit the boat I was shocked as when i put it in cooler I though "thats a coho" . To rough to double check so I reset lines. ended up getting 3 more hits and all kings, 1-20 lbs, 1-19lbs and one around 12 lbs. Got back to dock and I was anxious to check the first fish. Pulled it out and confirmed its a coho. Put on scales and came in at 20lbs 5 ozs. Boats PB by far!.

    Hope the wind settles down for morning!



  2. My wife wants to spend a few days on the south side of the border and do some shopping. We are going to cross at watertown and come bach through buffalo. I was hoping to stop in at some shops and stock up for next season or for hunting season. Any recomendations on some small shops woth visiting?



  3. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:




    Date(s):MAy 20

    Time on Water:630 am -noon


    Wind Speed/Direction:slight east

    Waves: flat

    Surface Temp: 51


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 40ish

    Total Boated:close to 30

    Species Breakdown:Bows, Hos and Kings

    Hot Lure: Green spoon, NK Mag, Wonderbread NK mag

    Trolling Speed: 2.5

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth: 150

    Lure Depth: 92, 60



    Where are all the fisherman!!! A buddy (Team Stolte) and I packed up the girls (4 and 5 Years Old)and hit the road at 4 am. Only 4 or 5 other boats there already. Got to the bluffs around 6 15 and were dropping lines at 630 or so. Just got 2 lines set when the the first fired . First Salmon of the year! Re rigged and dropped it back down to 92' in 150 fow. Set the third line, a braid dipsy when the other rigger fired. As I was fitting it the first rigger fired. First double of the year and its only 6:50. A nice king (20 lbs) and a coho around 5 lbs. Action coninued all morning. Ended up boating close to 30 fish and lost 8 or 10 more. Lost count. Mostly a rigger bite but did get a few on the divers. Green NK mag down 92 with a slider, and a wonderbread down 60 with a slider did the trick. The action was too hot to mess around with it. Ran a bloody death SD with Blue fly and a Green SD with a green fly on the divers. Also ran a couple different SD/fly combos on the wire but it was the only rod not to take a hit . most of the fish came right out front in 150 fow but did hook up in the 120-180 fow range. Cant believe we had the entire lake to our selves and such a spectacular day! The girls were super excited as they handled most of the bows and hos. Ended up with a mixed bag of Kings, cohos and bows. 4 good kings over 20 lbs! The boat surew needed a good pressure washing. Cant wait for the fish to move a bit further East so we can spend more time on the water and less in the truck.


    Ballz Out Fishing


  4. Weve always been allowed crossbows here in ontario during the archery season. I started hunting with one as a teenager and continue now. I dont know where some of you guys get off saying theyll be shooting everything in site as no one i know has a bow or rifle thqat decides what to shoot. I pass up all sorts of deer so I can enjoy the time in the woods and hope to get a big lad. I also think that they are as limited as vertical bows when it comes to range and limitations. If anything is bad for our sport is a bunch of fighting amongst ourselves. If its legal try it. Maybe youll like it. How often does the government give anything to hunters these days! Not often north of the border

  5. I took my 12 year old nephew to darlington Sunday morning (July 4). We were on the water from 5:30 am to 9 am. We went 6 for 7. We caught a mid 30, 24, and high teen king, aswell as a small shaker. The other 2 fish were a 8 and 4 lb steelie. All mature kings and 4 lb steelie came on SD and fly combo behind dipseys out 200 over 100fow. others came on riggers down 30 and 70 on spoons.

    Saw a few decent hook ups aswell from the other boats.


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