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Posts posted by stinger-1

  1. Braid is OK in early seson but becomes a mess when the fleas start to show up (like anytime from now)

    I run 15# mono in the spring, 20# mono early summer and 30# mono when the fleas are bad. I like to run as thin a line as possiable for better lure action but thicker diameter collects less fleas.

    as for the divers, I only run wire all season long.

  2. LC has bushings and a black composite graphite/plastic spool

    LCA has 2 ball bearings and gold anodized aluminum(metal) spool.

    both reels have graphite frame with metal outer rings. out of the two, I would go with LCA, specially for wire diver application. I would think a graphite/plastic spool will evetually crack under pressure.

    Better then the above two is the new LCX series, way better/smoother drag, corrosion resistant bearings and a power handle :) a very nice reel for $135 IMO

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