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Posts posted by GutzFish

  1. Not for nothing but it is all relitive isn't it. We are flat broke as a state. Just like about 2/3 rds of the states in this great country. On the other hand no offensse to the out of staters it should be this way go to Canada It cost more this year as well and more expessive than NY too. You guys do not pay the high taxes we do either. That is a conversation for another day. Good Luck

  2. You just have not been there at the right time. For the last 3 weeks or so I have been catchin them at the piers and at the outlets different times of day from am hours, mid day and evenings. Just need to put your time in and be there when the bite starts. Have averaged 9 to 12 fish in the 27" to 37" length. Browns, Lakers, Steelies, and Coho too. It beats sitting at home no matter how you look at it. :lol::D8)

  3. I am pretty sure that we all will need a bit of help to survive the additional expense of this price increase.. I know this much it is not likly for me to get a pay raise anytime soon.. So much for the so call coming out of the economic down turn. Guess that will have to wait again. O Well better luck next time..

  4. Everyone hang on we have not seen the worst of it YET!! Wait untill the MESS in the Mid East that will continue to spirill out of control from country to country it will only start to cost the USA more for a barrell of oil. Is it not graet to be dependant upon other countries to make all the things we use to make!! Got to THANK our BUDDY BILL CLINTON for that. HE should have learned how to KEEP HIS PANTS ON TOO> But how did that work out> HA HA HA. :D:clap::lol:

  5. We have not had our spring thaw yet or any of the normal spring rains either. But as you state since the ACOE's has been playing with the level of the Lake they tend to screw it up it has been on average for the last 15 to 20 years left on the low end of level. Why not really sure but it does make a mess for docking and stationary docks for sure. Good Luck! Hard to fight the MAN if you know what I mean.. :no:

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