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Posts posted by vicarious

  1. What amazes me is the amount of guys that say Seneca is dead yet guys do decent.  Yes it had some down years but it seems to be coming back.  We can all sit here and say the old timers say this and say that.  Look what the old timers say about Lake Ontario!  Some old timers complain that we don’t see 40lb kings anymore yet catch rates are through the roof over the last 10 years.  Laker size is not something that happens in one year.  Lamprey predation has caused big issues and it seems to be getting better every year.  Again, lamprey control isn’t something that works in one year.  Guys like Nick have figure out how to succeed on a lake that is tough.  Those who haven’t shouldn’t be slamming him, they should be learning from him.  Nick has given people my product and showed guys what he is doing and they figured out how to help out more fish in the box in Seneca.  All lake have their ups and downs.  Seneca will come back.  It has the bait to support huge healthy lakers.  

    I happen to be one of those guys. My ‘gambler rig’ is the first thing I put down when targeting lakers on Seneca.

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  2. Another approach would be to fill the reel with 30 lb mono on top of the wire. Once filled, transfer the mono to a second reel, then transfer the wire to a third reel.  Once the wire is off The original, transfer the mono to the original reel as backer, then reload the wire onto the original reel.  Doesn’t give you more wire, but your line counter will be more accurate without Splicing the wire.  I’ve done this on mine and it worked well.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, GAMBLER said:

    The two guys mentioned in this thread are using a product that is helping put fish in the boat.  Ask either of them and they will tell you or stop in Roys marina and you will see them on the wall for sale!  :)

    Soooo... Nick gave me a death trap the week of July 4th and it was just about the ONLY thing that would put fish in the boat.  I just went up to Japs and bought another from Steven this week, which caught a fish the first time I had it in the water!

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  4. I tested mine this morning and I observe the same thing.  When I have a line rigged, my probe reads about .5 mph faster than when I don’t.  

    I have a blacks release with the probe directly below.  When I Pop the release, my probe reading drops by.5 mph. Was out with a charter on Ontario yesterday who had a blacks release and a cannon release off the ball on his probe rigger.  When I asked him why, he told me that having a line in the blacks screws up his speed reading.  

  5. Thanks.  My daughter’s Seneca slam hinged on that fish being a brown, so I’m happy you were able to confirm.  Might seem silly, but matters a lot to a 9 yr old.

    And, I agree.  those of you who live in and get to experience the finger Lakes on a daily basis are truly blessed.  Hence the reason for my screen name.  This site allows me to experience the fishing vicariously through all of you!

    hopefully, I’ll be up later this summer to enjoy them again in person.  Until then, I’ll be checking the reports, so good luck and keep’em coming.

  6. Thanks guys!!
    We had a great week. My daughter is hooked, and hopefully created some memories that will last a lifetime!!!
    Everyone slept in this morning and we’re heading back to NJ in a few minutes.

    Fisherdude, I could be wrong, but I’m almost positive that was a brown in the pic. It had 4 lampreys attached when we got it in the boat and was in bad shape. Only ones we saw all week.

    Good luck and enjoy the rest of the summer!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. Fishing remains hot. Catught 7 land locks . Only 2 keepers . Lakers OMG tons they came in 2 at a time. All spoon bite but 1 . The biggest fish of the day was a Laker hit a pro troll and fly . I fished 90 to 300 fow lot of the fish are high ,30 to 60 but can find fish deep also . The fleas to me weren't that bad didn't have to stop to clean fleas to land fish . Did ball up the swivels,.IMG_20180707_131020555_HDR.thumb.jpg.45381eae8f049585e7287491b04b3f5c.jpgIMG_20180707_083049517.thumb.jpg.8936c5990fd14c12231e6a7911e29d61.jpgIMG_20180707_082604517.thumb.jpg.ddc2ecda24d27c5fea7e59cd387c8e3f.jpg
    Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

    Sounds like a great day in the water. Nice, fat ll.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Didn't fish Friday due to the wind, but headed out this morning with my father, daughter and wife.  Pulled out of the hoist at 6:30 and started on a north troll.   Got lines in and immediately hit a scum line full of weeds.  Spent the next 20 minutes resetting lines and trying to find clean water and fish.

    It didn't take long.  We got a little too shallow, made a sharp turn to head for deeper water and the inside rigger popped with a decent brown (with 4 lampreys attached).  My daughter reeled it in and completed the Seneca Slam for the week!!!!

    I don't remember all the specifics, but it was pretty steady action after that.  We fished 6:30 to 9:30.  Ended up with 4 bows, 2 lakers, 1 brown, a break off at the back of the boat, and a bow that spit at the back of the boat.

    Took 3 bows on a 5 color lc with 3/4 ounce snap weight attached, and a purple/white scorpion took 2 fish as a cheater off the 45 rigger.

    Temps moved up 20 feet from earlier in the week with 55 being 38 down.  Weeds were a nuisance, but no fleas.





  9. Thanks guys.  @Les, always good to hear from you.  My dad says 'hello' and wanted to know how you've been.


    I was planning to head out this morning, but the strong south wind kept us off the water.

    Decided to head out around 4:30 pm after the storms came through.    Headed down to Lodi with my father and daughter to attempt to catch a brown.  No luck.  We found 55 degree water about 60 feet down and tried to focus on where it met bottom.  We marked fish on bottom, but didn't catch any browns.

    We trolled all the way up past the house to the old Officer's Club and went 5 for 6, but it was slow going.  Didn't get a hit until I popped the release to change a spoon and a laker hit it while it fluttered up.  Dragged another small laker for a while on a rigger that we didn't realize was on until we decided to change spoons.  Had a small bow take a watermelon spoon on 5 color.  Tried changing spoons, depths, speeds, everything, but never really zoned in on a pattern.  Decided to change out the rigger spoon again to a honey bee pattern and had a laker hit as soon as I set the rod in the holder.  Reset it, added a honey bee scorpion cheater, and it was quiet for a while.

    Turned back south to head towards home before we pulled and doubled up shortly after.  Had a laker take the main spoon on the deep rigger, dropped the speed to about 1 mph and while my daughter was getting ready to net it, the other rigger released.  I took the net while she got the other rod.  We landed the laker while she brought in the other line, got it to the back of the boat, one last jump and the spoon flew over the top of my head... fish was gone.  

    Landed 4 lakers with the biggest being about 3 lbs, one small bow and another small bow that tried to take my eye out.

    I was very surprised that the last bow hit the cheater while we were only going about 1 mph.  Makes me think that we may have been 

    going too fast (2.0-2.8) the entire time.  We marked a lot of fish and while we caught, they were all small and didn't hit aggressively.  Obviously, late afternoon, between storms isn't the best time to fish, so maybe they just weren't actively feeding fish.  who knows...


    Just a few more days and we've got to head back to NJ, so we'll be at it again in the morning (wind and weather permitting).


    good luck!



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