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billy p

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Posts posted by billy p

  1. On 11/27/2021 at 1:20 PM, rolmops said:

    Big changes are about to happen in energy production. There are the truck sized nuclear fission reactors being developed in Britain as we speak. These will help decentralize electricity production. More interesting is the beginning of construction of nuclear fusion power plants. Future prediction has it that within 10 years these fusion plants will start producing nuclear energy without the radio active by products that are so frightful. Just like fossil fuel was the energy miracle of 140 years ago, fusion energy will be the next great step forward.

    For now we are experiencing the often painful change of one energy source to another less harmful form of energy production.

    Windmills and solar panels do less damage  to the environment than fossil fuels, but they really are only a bridge helping us go to the next stage of energy production.

    It would not amaze me at all to see vehicles with small fusion power plants traveling our roads and lakes.

    Very interesting comments but somewhat unrealistic .  Where to begin.  Small nuclear reactors have been around since the 1950s and certainly Admiral Rickover pioneered the submarine nuclear reactors which a re not only modest in size but have an outstanding safety record.  The concept of "truck sized" fission reactors and decentralized electric power production is interesting but simultaneously creates all sorts of security and reliability issues.  Fusion has been researched for decades and simply hasn't even become practical even in the simple context of producing more energy than is initially input without considering the engineering of commercially viable fusion systems on either a large or small scale.  And don't even get started on cold fusion.  Nuclear fission energy production is a commercially viable technology that is extremely safe.  Chernobyl was a classic Russian design "oops" that was doomed from the beginning to fail dramatically because you had the nuclear reactor equivalent of a Habachi grill (remember those?) with a positive reactor coefficient.  I know a nuclear engineer who actually warned the Russians about their reactor who was scolded by the U.S. State Department because she wasn't "nice" to the Russians.  And Three Mile Island, where safety systems worked as designed, was problem because of reactor operator error in not trusting their own equipment and instrumentation.  As long as you don't put fission reactors on earthquake faults like the Japanese, fission is fine and you can get a lot of megawatts.  And megawatts is what you need and you are not going to get it from solar and wind.  And your idea that one could run a generator (off of fossil fuel no doubt) in the back of one's truck to charge boat batteries is just way, way out there and unrealistic.  The real problem is that politicians simply do not understand that this electric grid and our electrical generation capacity is not capable of supporting a short term transition to electric powered vehicles.  This is going to be a 20 to 30 year build out, not a 10 year one that the politicians think it will be, which will cost trillions in the end and do untold economic damage while China simply keeps running their 1082 plus coal fired power plants.  And China built more coal fired plants in the past year than were retired in the whole world.  We will have invested trillions in electrification of cars and boats in the U.S. along with solar panels and windmills and who knows what else and it will have zero impact on the environment because China and India will continue to be massive emitters of carbon.  This is sadly about political control and the exercise of power by politicians who wouldn't know the difference between a flounder and a bald eagle.  In this state, it is all about the political power of NYC but I don't see windmills in Jamaica Bay and in the Hudson and East 
    River and solar panels up and down the Empire State Building.  Upstate is going to get the solar panels and windmills and massive power plants.  Boating and fishing and the economy and the lifestyle of people living along Lake Ontario is not a consideration of the NYC politicians.  We are expendable little pawns and ignorant country dwellers in their eyes.

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  2. "It will be one of the most unsafe marina's to launch and operate out of in the Great Lakes...    "


    That statement has it nailed.  With the mess that will be built out into the area west side of the "International" immediately in front of the launch and ramp area it will actually be very, very dangerous.  With the open water in front of the ramps now boats big and small have a chance to line up and wait for an open spot at the docks.  That area will now be a cluttered BY CITY OF OSWEGO APPROVED DESIGN dangerous mess.  No boat approaching the docks in front of the ramps will have a reasonable opportunity to safely prepare for docking and safely approach the docks.  All boats approaching the ramp area and all boats leaving the ramp area are forced BY CITY OF OSWEGO APPROVED DESIGN into one small space which actually does not allow a straight approach to the docks.  Let's face it, the mayor doesn't care one bit about boaters and fisherman and their safety.  Plus we are losing parking spaces because of the walkway to the arch.  We will now have and unsafe, inefficient launch area but we have access to multi million dollar fire pits.  Whatever fool designed this has never so much as launched a rowboat and the mayor thinks this is wonderful.  Maybe the mayor should be down at the launch area directing both boat and vehicle trailer traffic on a busy Saturday to understand what a disaster this is.

  3. Tall Tails and cjc are dead on the money.  This plan is a disaster.  You have a 6 lane boat launch where all of those boats using the boat launch, from rowboats to monster fishing boats, coming and going through one small opening with dockage immediately to your left and right and boaters coming and going out of dozens of boat slips.  Plus the gas dock and boaters going to and from the gas doc.  Plus strong winds, particularly west winds causing all sorts of problems.  Plus reduced parking for trailers. Only an idiot could come up with plans like this and it takes an even bigger idiot to approve the plans that the first idiot created.  This plan is going to turn one of the best marinas on Lake Ontario into a congested nightmare.  The illustrious Mayor Barlow doesn't have a clue to how these plans are going to create a mess.  So here's your chance Mayor Barlow.  Address our concerns.  Explain the plans to us.  Tell us how a narrow opening from a 6 lane launch area with dozens of boat slips immediately to the left and right is NOT going to be a problem.  Tell us how forcing boaters to go through that congested area to a gas dock will work out well.  Mayor Barlow, you always seem to be able to get in front of a TV news camera or turn up on a radio talk show.  So just once, address the concerns of the boaters and fisherman who come to Oswego and spend all sorts of money in your city on gas, bait, tackle, boat slips, fishing charters, motels, shopping, bars, and restaurants.

  4. On 12/31/2020 at 1:21 PM, Miss em said:

    Plans are out now for the International Marina Rehab.  Completion Date is July 2021.

    Pages from INTERNATIONAL Marina Plan.jpg

    Just let me put in a few tidbits.  From what I can see with this plan with that new dockage in that position, entering and leaving the launch area is going to be a nightmare.  There is simply too small an opening if you will leading into and out of the launch area.  And the position of that opening forces you towards the exiting dockage area.  Whoever designed this has never so much as launched a rowboat.  With that new walkway leading to the lovely arch we are losing more parking for trailers.  This plan seems to be a disgrace and a nuisance for anyone launching at Wright's landing.  Please correct me if I'm misinterpreting some aspect of this design but at this point I don't think this will turn out well for boaters and fisherman using the launch area.

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