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Posts posted by dominicleckie

  1. Fly fishing is a fishing method that uses 'fly' artificial fishing. The fly was launched with a rod, reel and line weighted specialized. Bamboo fishing rods are unique, with a long tradition. It is a specialized form of fishing that combines skill and art.

  2. Choosing the right fishing knot is a key element in fly fishing. To master the art of fly fishing requires the use of different techniques to regular fishing and, in particular, knowledge of the various fly fishing knots. Fly fishing requires more knots than most other forms of fishing where, generally, if you can tie your line to the hook you are golden.

  3. The Trout Underground is fly fishing's fun, independent voice - the home of a writer leading a fly fishing life, and writing about it. Panfish flies are simple and capable of catching numerous other species. One of the most enjoyable things about fly fishing is catching springtime bluegills and their cousins with popping bugs and nymphs.

  4. The Slip On Fly Fishing Leader Loop makes it easy to tie on your fly fishing leader. The leader loop on the end of my fly line is starting to fray and I need to replace it with a pigtail. Cortland slip-on leader loops are the ideal way of connecting your leader to fly line. I have a few older reels with line that is non looped ends and have been using the Cortland slip on leader loops.

  5. Fly fishing for carp is one of the great challenges of Ontario. Before using a first flight, rubbed with mud or algae in the bank or the bottom of the river or lake. The best time for fly fishing are in September and October, and again in April and 10am till 4pm is the best time of day to try fly fishing for carp. So you can fish for bass in the morning.

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