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Cranky Bait

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Posts posted by Cranky Bait

  1. You hit the nail on the head with all that info. I have only just started fishing Lake O last year and there have been pleanty of people to help out and had great success!

    The best time is when I took my dad out last week and he hooked into his first King. Priceless! I enjoyed watching him more than catching myself.

    I have been using mostly white and green spot SD with white Atomic flies in the early AM and Crome with green spots in the mid day. Had some luck with blue flies and blue whale mags too. If you see the fish stacked below the boat and they are not hitting, boat speed, direction, depth, and the distance from your ball are factors to pay attention too. byoung62 has good info to help. I have done the same and had great time out there.

    We you hit your first 30#er you're going to remember what to do.

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