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Posts posted by Luremaker

  1. I have a brand new 502c fish-elite that I bought a few years back. Since this is a older model, what chip or card should I be looking for. I know the new ones won’t work, since there is not enough memory in the 502c. I was told nothing bigger than 1GB. Does anyone know where to get one for the Eastern U.S., or does anyone have one for sale. Thank you

  2. Name: Bob

    Location: Newark

    Home Port:

    Boat Name/Type:bass

    I fish for:bass


    I hale from Wayne county NY.. Been impersonating a bass fisherman for about 30 years. Use to belong to the Barge Canal Bass-masters, but last fished with them in 93. Love to make my own lures, and copy others. My favorite fishing is surface and weeds and boat docks. Biggest small-4lbs, large around 6lbs. I just got my old girl redone over, including trailer. I thought it was time to enjoy retirement my way, instead of my wife’s.

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