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Posts posted by Bearpaw

  1. We fished today from 6 to 245. Set down in 400 fow trolled out to 525 with pretty blank screens. Turned her back in to 220 lost a fish on the dipsy around 830. We rolled west of wrights and headed back out to 550 trying to find something with no luck. Found 2 small bait balls and a scattered fish here and there but it was pretty much a desert. The water seemed best between 230 and 300 everywhere else the temp column was thin. We moved 3 rods landed one laker in 220 on the 100 rigger around 1 pm. Nice to get out, maiden voyage for this craft. Best of luck out there hopefully some good reports pull us back up sooner than later! 

  2. Tabman after getting done with work I decided I would take further look into the operation of the tabs. I ended up removing the entire unit and pulling the motor out. Upon investigation everything was shiney and looking up to standards. Which checked off the option of water damage. After hooking the motor itself up to a battery I got nothing but spark so I freed up the motor plugged it in and off she went! Trim tabs in working order and the previous owner said they haven't worked in 10 years! Very happy I can't wait to try out the performance of these tabs as my motor was certainly having a tough time getting the boat on plane and a good riding level when it did. 

  3. Just picked up a boat last Sunday and the trim tabs aren't in working order. When you hit the switch on the dash you can hear a clicking noise where the hydraulic motor is. It doesn't seem to be really powering up as I would assume it would make a hum if it was. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. My thoughts were maybe checking the electrical hookups inside of the motor itself and see if some cleaning of it was in store. Also, any advice on new hydraulic trim tab pumps would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Got a late start this year for the Bearpaw team. We picked up a new boat on sunday, geared it up and off to Oswego we headed at 4am on 7/14. We started out of the chute due NW and set down in 180'. 10 minutes into setting our probe rigger down it started screaming. We boated a 26 lb. king right off the bat first fish of the year and first fish for the new boat! We decided not to run in and weigh with Larry's being closed and not really worth the run for the size class of fish. We did later weigh it in at Screwy Louie's it dropped a lb in weight but it was good for 9th place. Things were pretty chaotic from here on out till 9-10am working the 200-300 FOW area. Dipsys took the most shots today. Our dipsys came unbuttoned many times after the initial hit throughout the day. We ended up going 12-20 on the day all kings. We kept 5 for the two of us for filets and successfully released the rest to live another day. Most of our fish being in the mid to upper teens. 2-3 over 20 lbs and 2 smaller class fish. 


    Tuesday morning same program headed NW out of the shoot setting up in 180 FOW. The storms rolled across the big O and the fishing was a lull during this period of time. After the storm rolled through the bite was ON! Ended the morning going 7 for 10. Didn't catch a fish on the dipsys the riggers were going off! We had one 23-24 lb fish that would have probably made the board but wouldn't have lasted to awful long. Also our catch included 1 20 lb 4 in the mid to upper teens and 2 in the 8-10 lb range. The fishing was nothing but amazing and we ended the two days holding our heads high after our new purchase of the boat. Sore arms and shoulders, blessed to have such an amazing fishery on our doorstep.

  5. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name: Bearpaw





    Time on Water:9:00AM-3:00PM

    Weather/Temp:Sunny to cloudy

    Wind Speed/Direction: SW

    Waves: 0-1 ft

    Surface Temp: 77

    Location: Irondequoit Bay

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 20+

    Total Boated:11

    Species Breakdown: Kings, Steelhead

    Hot Lure: White/green dot SD/green HAMMER glow

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed: 2.2-2.5

    Boat Depth: 160-500

    Lure Depth: 50-90



    Got a late start because one of my partners had his 25th Class reunion. Got to the port at 8:00am with intentions of setting up where we found heavy bait on Friday evening. ( so thick at one point it marked the bait as bottom :lol: ) My partners and I have been running a simple setup off our boat lately and has been proving itself, one rod off each rigger and one slide dipsy. No fish and a small column of 50 degree water so we instantly pulled after 15 mins and ran out from 180FOW out to 250. Ran the probe into the water and found a better column of water down there. Not to long after we hit a king. Running probe rigger in 51 degree water and our other rigger 10' below. Our tactic for the day worked well for us hit a fish cirlced the area few times grinded a few more and kept moving out and out as each spot died off. Finally got out to 460' of water with 3 fish in the boat and nailed a huge steelhead, gave us quite the show but ended up throwing the hook on a 5 ft aerial front flip he pulled on us it was an amazing sight to watch as my buddy battled him. Our hottest action came from 1:30-3:00 PM when we decided to move in where we hit a fish early. As we trolled in we ran over the other areas that produced fish/hits with nothing producing, finally being at our last area in 340 FOW they started a feeding frenzy. Don't recall how many fish we caught in that time period but I believe 8 out of the 11 with being able to release 2 of the smaller kings back to the deep blue. We were up to our ears in fish so bad that they were ripping it off the release while sending the rigger down! AMAZING day for us, and certainly a lot more bait/action than our last 4 times out of Oswego. We had quite the day and produced a lot of low to mid 20's range fish. Time to fill the smoker and have some :beer::beer::beer: !




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