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Posts posted by BIGHERG

  1. Fish Numbers seemed WAY down on cayuga this year. I didn't fish it as much as I used to but got out plenty of times this year. Many of the LARGER lakers seemed to have magically disappeared this year? Plenty of smaller ones around but not a lot of the bigger ones. That's what it was for me anyway.

    You guys forget about the huge #'s of cayuga tributary anglers around the last few years. I'm a C&R guy and I fish the Cayuga tribs a few times a year. Not as much as I used to but I still get up there when conditions are right. I've seen some of the worst snagging/ripping (whatever you want to call it) going on in certain tribs. Fouled or fair hooked, those big spawning Rainbows and LL went on the stringers. Made me sick to watch. Called 1-800-TIPPDEC many times with no answer. Left message but I might as well have been talking to the wall as nobody ever showed up.

    The worst part was most of these guys just kept snagging fish off beds until the creek was empty. Just unreal.

  2. I can't speak for anyone else but it's been tougher out there recently with a lot of the "looker" action you describe. Sounds like fun though and thanks the update.


    I have the same problem with the "LOOKERS". Been a lot of "Lookers" and few "takers" lately, at least bigger fish. Lots of tail biters too!

    Driving me nuts :@

  3. Tough bite for us on Cayuga today also. Launched at Taughkannok Park around 8:45 which is a little late for us but wanted to get some sleep for once.

    Headed north along West side with high hopes for finding some Lakers in their usual 75-90' haunts but they were far and few between. Seen lots of bait on the graph but only managed a few tail biters on the Jigs so headed to AES and found the fishing slightly better over there this morning until the fog/haze lifted around 11:30. Hit 3 or 4 big fish right off the bat in 90' and all came unbuttoned after a short fight. Not sure what was up with all the fish coming off today. 1 or 2 were good ones and had the rod bent to the cork but we only boated 2 small 18 to 20"ers. Lots of other tail biters north and south of AES but that was it.

    There is always next weekend! <{{{{{{<

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