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Posts posted by mpolena

  1. Well I am definitely not a master of this considering I have only gone out twice on Keuka last year, from Pittsburgh,  but I want to add a seperate technique.  I was using a kayak on one calm and one very choppy day and without any electronics both days did well in a short time period.  Instead of using the typical jig head with plastic I used a swiveling trolling weight with with an O ring and treble attached shoved into a white 3.5 inch tube jig.  I also used a good amount of weight compared to what most people have said here at 2oz.  Part of my thinking was with an uncontrolled drift I need to get down FAST to get any kind of vertical retrieve without a lot of drag.  I caught the vast majority of my fish and other hits by realing straight up when the jig was vertical.  I barely got any action using a true jigging motion.  Also when the weather was blowing  i would give the weight a short pitch in front so it would hit bottom before I drifted past.  Honestly I was expecting nothing but the action was fairly consistent the entire time I was out there.  I will be trying again the 11th and 12th and will mainly be doing the same thing, although contemplating adding an unweighted soft plastic about 2 feet above the bottom jig.

  2. Hi,


    So I just returned from my trip to Keuka.  I managed two days of fishing in the mornings and both times I launched from the power plant near the swiss.  Thursday I launched around 715 and headed out to the point only to notice a lack of other boats, probably due to the forecast of severe thunderstorms.  At the time I was fishing there was actually a good amount of sun early and not much of a wind to speak of.  I ended up paddling towards the point and after paddling towards the point I noticed one boat did also come out also but never were we very close.  I started jigging, using a two ounce lead trolling weight stuff inside a 3.5" tube jig, in unknown depths and the action started within an hour after I figured out what I was doing.  I brought 5 to the boat with the biggest being 23" and the smallest just under 16".  I also had another three on including one I could tell was fairly large and had multiple more hits.  The thunderstorms started to roll in and I was off the water by 1045. 

         The next day I went out with a friend who does not really fish, first time out this year but he really wanted to try.  There  was a healthy chop on the water when we arrived around 830 and a very steady wind coming out of the north west.  We launched anyway and after a less than fun paddle out to the same area I fished the day before, and some water bailing on my kayak, we started fishing.  No sooner had we started then my buddy broke his line trying to heave a 2 ounce lead on light line.  So I went over to him and switched rods so he could fish while I tied him back up.  No sooner do we switch then he got his first fish, the smallest of the weekend at 14.5".  I come over take off his fish and two drops later he has on another fish.  This time a better fight and a better fish at 18.5".  All the while we are getting pushed around pretty bad and getting some light rain.  After a slight lull in action we I picked up another around 19 and he got his third at 20.  Again had 1 more that I missed and he missed another 2 and we both had multiple bites.  We seemed to do best immediately after we would move a short distance to a new location.  On the last fish he got all tangled up in the net and we were both frozen so we called it an early day.  We were off the water by 1045.  All in all it was a heck of a time fishing and remarkably fast and furious given the fact I had no idea any depth we were fishing.

  3. Trapper I sent you a PM


    I have definitely taken a look at Cayuga fisher webstie when I found out I would probably get a little time to fish and it seemed extremely helpful.  I know my lack of electronics is a huge factor and that is definitely a reason I wanted to get a decent idea of the regions that are normally better to fish.  If I am going to fish blind I may as well be close to some decent water!  I will also make sure to have some larger topwater lures to see if I can maybe find some of those big ol' smallies.  I must say everyone on here has been a huge help and I really appreciate it.  If anyone has any questions regarding flyfishing in general or throughout PA let me know because I would love to be able to reciprocate with some information.

  4. Thanks for the replies so far these are all really helpful.  We are literally all the way up at the very top of the Penn Yan arm so I am thinking that making the move down to Switz Inn so that I am a little closer to that deeper water will be helpful.  I will probably stock up on some heavier weights and will definitely switch to some braided line with a flouro leader.  If any on has any questions for me feel free to ask away.  I really appreciate the help!

  5. Hi,


    My name is Mark I am from the Pittsburgh area and I will be up at a cottage on Keuka with some friends from 9/11-9/15 and I am hoping to get at least one day in fishing.  My friend told me that his family has a couple kayaks that I could use to fish from, however I will have absolutely no electronics to use.  I have a couple questions regarding my best bet to catch some fish.  I have been reading as much as possible about fishing this region but wondered if anyone could give me any specific advise.  I am an avid fly fisherman, however I think I will be early for any runs from the finger lakes into the tribs.  The other area that seemed to really interest me was possibly trying to jig up some lake trout.  I believe I have most of the terminal tackle I should need in my salt water gear including 1 ounce jigs and multiple jigging spoons.  I will be up near Penn Yan but I should be able to car top the kayaks if necessary to Keuka state park or elsewhere.  Will this be something that is possible for me to do successfully or is there something else that I should be targeting.   I appreciate any advise.




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