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Posts posted by SRProject

  1. So what's wrong with that. I'm trying to get this out there.

    Last year when I brought several kids to Pulaski to go salmon fishing they loved it, but we could just go of the day. Would like to have a place where they could stay for a weekend and enjoy more then just one day.

  2. The first time anybody goes salmon fishing, they remember it for life. You get addicted to the thrill of fighting a 25 pound fish. And because of this thrill and fun you keep going back. You also keep telling people about your stories, memories, and even try to get your friends and/or family to come and enjoy it as well. So why not try and help underprivileged kids that would never have a chance o...f experiencing something so amazing. We are trying to raise money to build a place where we can organize with groups that help underprivileged kids to come stay and experience the fun of salmon fishing. Give them memories that will be with them for life.

    You can donate at http://www.gofundme.com/6bipg4
    Or follow us on facebook ( www.facebook.com/salmonriverproject)
                   or on twitter (@SRProject2014)
    And help spread this cause.
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