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Whitetail Crazy

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Posts posted by Whitetail Crazy

  1. The fish are there, out again today, from the plant north to the dunes was stacked up good with fish. If your Finder is not marking fish, you need a new one. Bait was so thick numerous times i watched as the rigger rods would bounce off the lines. Ended with 5 this morning, heard north of the river was good also. It is going to be a late run, when the water temp drops in the river, look out. The cohos we got have very small eggs, still had 2-3 weeks of development. I had first timers today, and the excitement was incredible. If you put out boat away already, that is too bad, another 2-3 weeks of lake fishing for matured left. Rock star, meat behind Dippys and short coppers did the damage today. attachicon.gifImageUploadedByLake Ontario United1442003700.541200.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByLake Ontario United1442003722.291356.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByLake Ontario United1442003739.261669.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByLake Ontario United1442003751.774310.jpg

    Capt Rich.

    NY Guide Service

    Lake Ontario Charters

    Salmon River Drift Boat trips

    Waterfowl Hunting.

    good report thanks for being so honest in your reports.good man we have here 

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