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Posts posted by Chris77

  1. Took my cousin out tonight so he could shoot something with his new "predator rifle" He built a .204 ar15 with a 26" heavy barrel, I bet the thing weighed 15+ pounds with all the dumb lights and bipods and **** he had on it. 1st set we had a yote sit down on the woodline about 400 out and stare toward the caller for 15 minutes. Eventually he walked off somewhere. He didn't seem to want to come play in the deep snow. Next set didn't take long. 2 minutes in i have action to my right and I let him know he has a fox coming in hot and light it up whenever he's ready. You could see it fine once it got within range as it was blasting trough the snow throwing a wake like a jet ski. He hesitated, I barked it to stop, then I heard frustration and a safety click off as the fox ran up and bit the caller and took off. That was my signal to step in so I took a couple shots and dropped it on the run. Doesn't this kid put a round into it as it lifts it's head up while laying in the snow a second later. Better late than never I guess. Lol. He also learned to skin a gut shot fox tonight since that was his mess. Video below.


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    I have today that thermal scope is amazing ... what is it if you don’t mind me asking??

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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