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Posts posted by small119

  1. For everyone who does not know bowfishing at night is perfectly legal and the rule is 150 feet from a home or dwelling. I absolutely love bowfishing there is nothing in the world that compares to it up till someone calls the fuzz because they don't know what we are doing and feel its not legal that's normally a mood killer so if you guys see us out there bowfishing and we are close enough you guys should stop us and talk with us I cant speak for everyone but I know I like talking to people about it and spreading the word about it because after all you don't know what its all about till you actually try it. And finally about what we do with the carp when we are done most of us either use them for compost/fertilizer or coyote bait. and I have one question that may upset people and if it does then I'm sorry but I have to ask why is bowfishing a big deal but catch and release is perfectly acceptable I fail to see the point in the endless cycle of ripping a hook through the lip and then putting them back just to do it again talk about torture at least with the arrow Its one shot and its done. I hope I have clarified things for some people if you have any questions about the wonderful sport of bowfishing please feel free to ask.  

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