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Posts posted by Auzure

  1. Just curious when Kings are starting to stage. So you guys still run meat? I know j plugs are a staple at that time. Wondering are the colors the same.
    All I can say is that we trolled spoons, glow spoons and glow lymans in and around Meaford all day and close to dark and soon as I switched to herring strips on the rigger it fired within 15-20 minutes. Went out the next day same deal lymans and spoons saw somebody netting a fish on a flasher switched to meat fish released from the rigger for me.

    Sent from my LM-Q620 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  2. Wondering what would be the best way to set these, facing backward our downrigger is on the left side and it has a rod holder, there is a built in holder right behind the downrigger closest to the back of the boat that is where I normally put my rigger rod, which plate setting should I be using so that my dipsey angles as far out left as possible just to keep away from the downrigger rod, and when the dipsey fires should I pull the rigger up or just fight the fish off to the side. The 2nd dipsey can run off the opposite side no problem. I had success on herring or Huron kings last weekendIMG_20200823_211154_910.jpeg


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  3. I wouldn’t go 50 feet with the meat 15 to 25 off the ball should do it . calm water short ruff water longer also if your running a lot of spoons off your riggers even like 4 or more stagger your leads from the ball so it resembles a little school of bait fish and I’ve always had slightly longer leads from deepest rod up with spoons for the simple fact if u have a 15 ‘ bottom lead and three more above it when a king takes that bottom bait and goes to burn out towards the surface the fish is going to run right through all your other baits above where if it’s shorter as u get to your highest bait no matter witch bait takes the strike he can freely peel line and he has already cleared other lines
    Ok I will keep that in mind, going to run 2 rods on our 1 rigger than a dipsey more than likely. I am thinking I'll do about 15 ft in between on the cable and one 10 ft further of a leader and I shouldn't see any tangles. Thanks man.

    Sent from my LM-Q620 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  4. I usually do a 25 ft leader of 30# for anything with a flasher, and then a little longer of 20# for spoons. If you have swivels that you can reel in use those but otherwise I use Alberto knot and have never had a problem
    Alright thanks man, I'm going to try with a swivel for this weekend to start with but if I can't get anything I will take your word I'm starting to trust the Alberto more and more. 3 days of fishing I hope I can have some luck I have about 12 ft of leader on my swivel so I think that should do it but if not I'm making some adjustments.

    Sent from my LM-Q620 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  5. I mean can I use a reel with braided line to connect to the downrigger with a leader?

    They make downrigger releases specifically for stacking riggers. Not sure why you think you need to switch from cable to braid to be able to stack? If you're running cannon riggers with autostop, you will lose the autostop feature by switching to braid. Why not run a diver instead of stacking riggers? Id recommend sliders/cheaters before I would recommend stacking riggers. 

    Sent from my LM-Q620 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  6. I am thinking that because of my lack of rods the most effective way for me to make my spread is to doublestack my downrigger with 2 lines and a leadcore other side. The reel I would like to use has 30 pound braid on it. My cannonball is 10 pounds and I would typically run a 30-50 foot lead behind the canonball. I have it rigged up with a swivel and a 12 foot lead of 20 pound fluoro. Looking for lake Huron kings but this would apply to Ontario too. Any suggestions to improve not spooking fish?


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  7. I would think there would be more scent in the wild unfrozen shiners, I'll have to give it a try then. Huge king!

    I would give it a try. Back in the mid 90s'  I bought a bag of frozen cleaned smelt from the local supermarket, split one down the middle, and jammed it in a Rhys Davis meat head. Ran it clean off the rigger in early August.... largest king of my career @ 34 lbs.  Lots of options out there. ( I still use the smelt) [emoji38]

    Sent from my LM-Q620 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  8. I know this is a forum for more Lake O fishing, but I have a theory. Since the main food source on lake Huron is emerald shiners, does anyone know how I would do if I were to catch some creek shiners that I like to use for pike and bass, but after they died I would cut them up and run them on the meat rig. They are pretty hefty sized and they stink like Chinook that's for sure.


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  9. Results and not cost per se should be the guiding principle here. Braid attached by a #8 Spro swivel between 40-50 lb braid and the leadcore with a Willis knot or another # 8 swivel from either mono or fluoro leader to the leadcore is pretty bulletproof. The braid will allow more backing on the reel, cut through the water better, and generally be stronger than the mono backing, and depending on the braid selected may hold up better and longer if used with care (e.g. not left out in the heat and sun etc.). Although fleas can be an issue with braid especially - problems can be minimized by only letting out enough backing to get the leadcore under the surface. Fleas will usually mainly attach to the knot or swivel connections and that's it.
    Spro, that's the name. And thank you!

    Sent from my LM-Q620 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  10. 8 hours ago, Fly n Fish said:

    I remove about four inches of lead then tie a loop in the nylon keepint it loose.  Then thread the mono inside the sheath about 4 inches.  Then slide the loop down toward the end and pull tight.  It works like chinese hancuffs. 

    I never though of it like this, the way I think of doing it is putting the mono in and then tying the knot but pulling the entire leader through before I could sinch it, going to have to try that, thanks!


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