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Posts posted by JMpendo599

  1. Hi everyone,


    for background: I normally troll for trout in the Finger Lakes due to boat size.  I recently had a few conversations and was just looking for some more opinions.  I have a variety and sizes of spoons, inline spinners, some stickbaits/plugs and some Flashers+flies.


    I mostly try to stick to standard or slightly smaller sizes since I'm not out in Lake Ontario.  Don't think I have anything magnum.


    I recently had a conversation with someone who I consider to be knowledgeable and they told me that flashers and flies would not be a good option for the Finger Lakes.  Their reasoning is that its more a presentation for open water.  This contradicts other information other people who I've talked to who said that Flasher and fly would be a good lake trout lure.


    I also was asking this person about the Yakima Spinfish (Spin n fish?) which I've seen a few times and I think it's a really cool concept, and was told that "no one around here uses that, that's a west coast lure"


    I am curious as to what others use and have had luck with in smaller lakes.  I didnt have the best luck towards the end of last year, so just curious if I need to downsize lures, look into new stuff, or just keep with it and the luck will come.  Hope to get a big boat eventually so i can join in all the fun on the big lakes!


    Thanks in advance for any responses!!

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