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Dave B

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Posts posted by Dave B

  1. Hi,

    I made the run From Olcott to Mexico Bay last Tuesday. The water is cold in the center of the lake. We are about 22 or 23 miles offshore when passing Rochester and water temps were in the hi 30s to low 40s. This cold water starts near The Oak and continues to Oswego. There can be a large fog bank in and near the cold water which I was in for more than two hours.

    Map looks pretty accurate from what I saw while I was out there. Temperature break is pretty fast 57 to 42 in most places from what I saw. Looks like a great place for steelhead. I was traveling so I did not stop to fish. It looks like it might be a while before we see a thermocline set up.

    Dave B

  2. Hey Chris,

    I'm headed down that way tomorrow and will stay until after the Olcott Pro/am. I will be in the Olcott Town Marina. I will stay in Oak Orchard for there Pro/am for a few days.

    Paul is right on the fishing should be great but only mother nature knows for sure.

    Stop by and see us if you are going to fish the events. I think Jeff (Miss-Em) will be with us at the Oak.


  3. April till mid June Olcott , June till September ,Mexico Bay. Will follow the Pro/Am trail where ever it leads.

    It is a big lake take the run from Mexico bay to Olcott 120 miles of water. Very cool about 23 miles off shore at Rochester. Very neat trip!! Lets you know how much water is really out there.

    Dave B

  4. I mounted my Scotties to a Bert's swivel base. I may have cheated a little but if you take a sabre saw and cut out the back of the Scotty rod holder mount they fit over the Bert's swivel base fine. I left about an inch on either side of the Scotty mount toward the rear. I ran my downrigger rods in these last year and did not have a problem. I don't think the Scotty rod holder lost enough strength so that I could tell.

    Dave B

  5. Hi Paul, glad you are wintering well.

    What Jeff was talking about happened on my boat. The other boat in this case was Shirley B. They were running a deep water king program and we were doing a shallow water Coho program. We limited early and they came in and finished off there limit. I didn't care that the observer on my boat was talking to his team /boat about what we were doing because that was the rule open communication.

    If you're suggesting that I as team captain can limit an observers ability to use a cell phone ,blackberry, GPS in Sodus, ect. that opens a whole new kettle of fish. (No pun intended)If the rule is captain to captain only, than that's different. Captains then are in control of who is spoken to on their boat and about what . Maybe we need some clarification?

    The biggest issue in Niagara is the border. In 05 there were several teams over the border. That is a problem, an enforcement issue that needs yearly policing. Last year seemed fine but for 10,000 dollars teams will go where the fish are. That problem needs to be fixed !!

    Dave B

    P.S. I can't imagine fishing naked!! maybe the crew ??

  6. Great letter Dick. I hope it spurs some talk between the Pro / Am groups.

    I too have fished most of these events the last few years and have fished the Scotty. I may not agree with all points of your letter but do agree that some uniformity is needed in the Pro /Ams. I lost a teammate one year because of the date differences. I also feel that the border and communication are the major issues out there.

    I don't think that most of us fish these events for the money. I

    think it is for pride and doing things on your own.

    We plan on being at all four events this year and hope to see you there!!

    Dave B

    Team Dream Chasers

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