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Posts posted by Zebedee

  1. What time of day are you fishing? Sometimes midday the lakers will lay on the bottom. Drop your rigger until it bottoms out and bring it back up 5 ft. A diver and fly will stir up some action. If you can find the temp break with a probe, put your tackle there. Sometimes your finder will pick up the temp break by a scatteres line. Most important is your speed. If running spinny and fly, try 1.8 to 2.5. Light spoons require slower yet.

    The water has been warming up early so I'd get that topline down a bit.

    Good luck! You'll get help from others here.

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  2. I know a lot of time goes into planning these events and I'm thankfull to/for the contributors.

    I wouldn't voice my opinion if I didn't think it was considered and read.

    Getting a bigger boat and putting a pro team together SHOULD be the outcome of fishing a few pro-ams. This was encouraged by the tiered approach. Open to Am to Pro.

    I'm not intimidated by the bigger/more experienced boats run by charter captains who stay on top of the fish...I just don't have a boat big enough to hold 5 guys to compete with them! So the AM division that accomadated my boat size was perfect! It had the same structure and scoring system...how does the open division now groom a team toward the pro division? It doesn't. From my perspective, it is a token to "include" those who can't compete in the pro division. You may as well just have a pro division.

    A 9 fish classic box/3 fish trophy box and a scoring system that mirrors the pro is the way to go for an am division.

  3. I fished my first Pro-Am event last year in the Wayne county event (Team Mukwah-Pro Division). The experience was such a blast, I decided to team up with Stoutner (he fished am division last year in Sodus and Oswego) and put together an Am team this year to fish all four events and compete for the "cup" in the Am division.

    If given the choice of ditching the Am or the open division, i'd rather get rid of the open division.

    My situation:

    I grew up fishing the fingerlakes with my dad and we fished the National Lake Trout Derby every Memorial Day Weekend on Seneca. To me, Derby fishing is mostly a "luck of the draw" because you are hoping for weight when that rod fires. It doesn't matter that you can have a 30 fish day if you don't have the weight. About 5 years ago I decided to give the big lake a try and was opened to a whole new world of fishing; when taking an evening trip and getting ready to pull rods because the sun had just disappeared on the horizon, that Watermelon NK28 took off screaming and I pulled my first King.

    Tournament fishing with a scoring system like the classic Pro-Am point system seems to be a "thinking man's" game. I love reading the post-event posts to this thread and see guys re-cap their strategy throughout the conditions that the lake threw their way that day. Do you "box out" on browns? Pull rods and set up a big fish program? A top 5 position on day 1 didn't mean anything on day 2 unless you were consistant. And this is what entices me the most about the pro-ams...consistancy.

    I'm dissapointed with the shift to the "trophy" box because it seems to be a move toward weight and away from consistancy. Adding the "cup" took that consistancy to the highest level. So the wind was taken out of my sails with the move away from the am division...a guy like me who is enticed by the competition level is left hauling my 3 heaviest "luck of the draw" fish in a cooler to weigh-in at 4 separate and unrelated events. I don't want to be "included"...I want to "compete"! So the alternative is to make the jump to the pro division...the problem here is boat-size. The invitations I've had to fish the pro divisions boats do not want to fish all 4 events because their boats are too big to trailer and gas is too much to run the lake. I can't really compete in a 21 ft cuddy because a 12-fish box kind of requires a 4-man team...plus an observer...a little tight in a 21 ft cuddy.

    I read somewhere on here that the original intent of the am division was to groom guys for the pro division...if that's the case I think keeping the am division with the same scoring system and a slightly smaller box to accommadate a smaller crew/box is the way to go. I hope I'm not being a Debbie-downer here...just trying to communicate the perspective of the small/new guy.


  4. Great video! I definatly have to jump on board and get a gopro!

    Looks like you guys had a blast!

    I use that panther t4 on my boat as well...not quite auto pilot but it's nice to steer and watch rods at the same time...can throw the remote in your pocket while setting rods, etc. They make a wireless remote as well.

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  5. I use blacks...I use the scotty's to hold copper on the big boards. Those chamberlains are sweet wayne...you'll like em!

    like was said earlier, you can adjust the pole side also...either tight to crank the rod down, or light for those cayuga landlocks on the sliders.

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  6. Wes...that TR1 is VERY responsive...I think you'll like it!

    As far as the fish issue goes...I went out with Stoutner Sunday on his shakedown and I kept 2 browns for the smoker. I held one for a pic and threw it in the box...when we got home 3 hours later it was still alive.

    I appreciate Sean's posts and the fact he practices catch and release for the majority of fish caught. Let's not criticize how he goes about that.

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  7. Is anyone running 47's for their leadcore setup?

    was wondering if 10 colors fit and how much backer I can fit...mono or power pro backer?

    I would assume I could get more power pro to fit...if this is the case, should I piece in some mono b/w power pro and lead to clip in release?

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  8. 27# leadcore and 18# leadcore have the same amount of lead per foot. the sink rate is the same.

    Interesting...so what determines the difference?...thickness of cloth wrap? I always thought heavier pundage sank faster too.

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  9. Mike,

    I have 4...........2 with 10 color & 1 with 3 color & 50' braid then 4 more color............1 with 4 color 50' braid then 3 color. 5' down per color and I like putting the braid in the release and it saves a big droop on the board and I can target fish up high or low plus work the top water stuff, with that you should be able to run at least 6 or 7 rods per side :D The lead is a pain but it does catch fish!


    What kind of releases are you using? I watched a guy try to release a 500' copper from the planer board line by slapping the tip of the rod toward the water...the braid snapped and the copper went bye-bye. It got me thinking about what the best scenario is....maybe copper to braid to mono (braid would shield the mono from abrasion and put the mono in release?)

    I realize we are talking about leadcore here so I guess my question would be, Do you have any issues getting the braid to release?

  10. That's tough!

    Kudos for making a good decision.

    The Big O is like a mistress who will gladly take ALL my time if I allow it.

    I've been tempted to get the captain's license and put a boat in Sodus Bay...with 3 girls ages 4,6 and 8 I'm sure I'd be divorced in no time! (INSERT "MORE TIME FOR FISHING" JOKES HERE). My financial situation would require working my full time job plus running a business...I'm thinking my "passion" may have to wait for retirement!

    It is definatly a delicate balance.

    I'm impressed with how you've been a leader among the "Big Lake Crew". I'm sure that will continue even though it's from a distance.

    Look forward to seeing you on the water. :yes:

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