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Bloomfields finest

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  1. its funny cause i emailed my dad overseas and he said it was probaly a big goldfish too. My dad usually knows what hes talking about when its fishing and if some1 on here thinks it is too im convinced. thnx every1 for help.
  2. thnx fireplug thats what i found online. if thats what red rudd r thats not what i saw in the outlet. its whole body was red and it was about 15 inches long came out of weeds for my worm. if nobody knows dont hurt yourself trying 2 find out. maybe some1 else will see it while they fish conesus.
  3. yeah sorry the outlet not creek. i really thought it looked more like a red drum but really dont think its possible and i cant find nothing online bout red rudd but if some1 can find a pic it would b appreciated.
  4. I fished the river that goes into Conesus lake on north side of lake in late july. I was just catching small sunnies and gills but then out of the weeds i seen a bigger redish fish go for my worm. I didnt know what it was at first but had been hearing about carp being caught in conesus so i quickly reeled in my line. Since then ive asked my grandfather whos lives down the road from vitale park and fishes there very often and he didnt know what fish i was describing to him. Does anyone know what it could of been? I looked online but that didnt help.
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