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Posts posted by rileysalmon

  1. baitrix vs mcrockets......hmmm....i have had the opportunity to use both these baits here on the north shore and i first must say that the baitrix(whole herring and anchovie) i have is not the tunable type....so when i used this product i was either placing the hooks into the body to get a roll or bending in/ out the bottom of the teaser to achieve a tighter or less roll....my catch rate was not good with them...not saying that they aren t good by any means...they just didn t connect for me....the rockets...on the other hand....have caught fish very consistantly and i have alot of confidence in this artificial...and we all no how important confidence is...i still use the baitrix now and again as they are a good looking artificial and maybe its my style of fishing that its not compatible with..who knows...but i am certain that the rockets are right now a product worth trying and having on board...there are several good colours available and 2 sizes and they all have the super glow one side.. you make the decisions for yourself....heck it wouldn t hurt to have both on board and this way your covered.... and believe me i am not trying to bash any product or in any way persuade anyone into choice..this is just my 2 cents... :beer:

  2. i have used the rockets for several years now and i also still have quite a bit of the strips in the freezer from 2 seasons ago(i bought a couple of boxes when the vhs became a concern) and to be quite truthful i use the rocket waymore then the real deal...i have fished with meat for many many years and it was hard to be convinced to switch out and i can say it has definately been a pleasant surprise,,,its just one of those baits that works well in all conditions. depths speeds etc..the glows are fantastic and the colour selection is well thought out too...if you can get one tune it to your style of fishing or speed and you will see for yourself how well they do catch kings...i have tried the baitrix( whole herring and anchovie) and with very limited success...it could just be my way of fishing but the rockets definately have put more fish on the line then any other artificial i have tried to this day...hope this helps....

  3. hey bill...you may want to consider bluffers park ..usually the fishing is quite consistent here at that time of the year...usually..here you can access deep water quickly to chase down some steel or even find a good school of kings all to yourself...we stay at the marina all season and have a great time....alot of big fish hang in that area and feast abundantly before heading to their natal rivers...the scenery is magnificent and the folks on the dock are great to be around...book a slip for the weekend and stay in the water...we have a few beers...maybe a good game of poker and most certainly a ton of laffs....maybe we ll see ya there.best of luck to you just the same.. :beer: ..chris.... :beer: ..

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