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Posts posted by ski-dooz

  1. I fish for Rockies to eat them. We always threw back small ones and only kept the really big ones. There has been a definite decline in the Rocky population. I do know that a lot of the charter boat captains will go in and fish them out in the early spring and take them to processors to pay for their docs. To be honest, I really like perch, but we never caught very many and the ones we caught were small. this year we thought about Running down to Cayuga Lake and trying to catch some perch. I’m told their population is pretty healthy and they have some big ones. we have a really nice place. We stay at on Little Sodus Bay so I hate to give it up, but if there’s no fish to catch going to have to make a move.

  2. I was told by some locals that it has to be the right water temperature for the Rockies to run it. I have been fishing for them since 1993 over Memorial Day. I have been in a boat fishing for them and it has been 95 degrees. by far the last two years have been the worst. This year we only caught 15 keepers. We did manage to catch 75 small and large mouth.  

  3. Fishing in little sodus bay and its small mouth as far as you can see. So many small mouth we can’t find any Rocky’s. Don’t know what to do. We thought about going on the big lake and trying to catch perch. Anyone know where to catch perch on the big lake? We were hoping to catch a bunch of Rocky’s but I think that dream is over. 

  4. Fished out of fair haven this past Thursday got 5 straight out of the shoot 600’ of water. My dad was not feeling good so we didn’t fish Friday. Tried on Saturday morning but there were 5 footers went out about 300 yards and turned around. Today looks really good but I had to get home. Carbon 14 was good black green ladder back took a fish. Meat rig white paddle. Tried the green bam but no luck with that. All was deep 275 on wire and 90-120 on the riggers. There were more fish but I didn’t want to keep bringing them up in the warm water. We were done by 11 am. 

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  5. 22 hours ago, Mako said:

    Been a bit slow but catching a few. I'm finding temp at 120' and deeper. Spoons have been doing the best, Mag spoons taking the majority.

    Coho's are bigger than most of the Kings. I'm running 2 riggers and 4 chinook divers. The only thing consistent is the fish are deep in deep water.

    I start in 150 FOW set things deep and head north. Spoons have been dark colors, Carbon, Green/silver, Black/ green ladder. F/F have been 

    Greens or some color with green. Hope this helps.


    LOL When I first saw a carbon 14 I said that will never catch fish now I have 6 on the boat

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