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Posts posted by lakebound88

  1. Well, broken record here. Seneca is still fishing great. With that being said this past weekend I had to give it up the the fish gods and sent my phone for a ride in 120 fow. O well, they make new ones daily right?


    Back to fishing. Bows and salmon are still taking scorpion spoons fished on the Riggers in temp while the coppers and cores in temp are producing better with regular stinger spoons. Mixed veggie hammered and smooth silver or bras back both working good.


    Deep Riggers still pulling fish consistently in the bottom 30 fow. The grease trap BW brand and Michigan stingers version both working good as of lately. Gambler rigs following these are the ticket. Green glow gsmbler(peanut based) works all day right now while the spin and glow models, ya must switch according to sun position to keep the bite going. I had some good photos but they are gone.


    The diver bite had been good for Lakers, especially mid day. E chips are the top producer in chrome versions (green dot) with atommik flies. Stud fly and hammer the go to fly for me as if lately. Mag divers out 185 to 200 are best.


    Sundays fishing was exceptional, and an evening trip last night produced greatly.


    I'll have to grab some fish photos from FB, since my phone went kurplunk.




    Sent from my SM-G960U using Lake Ontario United mobile app







  2. Well, ran a morning trip Saturday and the lake trout wanted to play. Down temps were changing from 40 degrees to 70 degrees 60 down. The rolling lake prevented a good target depth for off species. But that bottom 30 fow was active.


    Our morning group from Lake Champlain wasnt disappointed. We managed fish from start to finish with never a lack of bites. Gambler rigs were the secret with a few deep spoons producing as well. A long copper out the back brought some fish in with the laker slime attached to a stinger "grease trap".


    Started with glow in the am, and shifted to chrome's before long. The glow gambler peanut rig pictured produced all day however, while the chromes I had to play with the colors.


    After enjoying a lunch with friends after dockside, once the winds relaxed we snuck back out to put a friend on fish who was a first time. We fished for less than 2 hours and boated plenty. This time, divers produced out 187 with chrome's and uv. The stud fly was quality.



    No fishing today as the winds are severe.



    Get fishing!, soon.







    Sent from my SM-G950U using Lake Ontario United mobile app



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