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Posts posted by Reel'Laxin

  1. Well my question is pretty simple and I'm looking for a little guidance. I've been Savin my penny's and I'm about to pull the trigger on a combo humminbird 958c. My question is when buying a navionics card what is my best choice? I fish Lake Ontario for trout & salmon primarily, with some smallies as well.. I had heard that they had a card called Fish & Chips, but I don't see it on Navionics web site. I only see two styles. Hot maps Premium, & Hot maps platinum. What would you recommend?

  2. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:Reel'laxin



    My wife and I went out Friday night. Set down in 90fow and jumped right into a screamer on the wire set at 225' green spin doctor with green hammer fly. Brought that fish in and it was 22lbs nice king.

    Saturday went out for about 4 hrs managed to go 2-4 caught two browns and lost a steelie about 10lbs 40 ft from the back of the boat.

    Sunday got a late start. Took my dad out in the hope's of catching him his first Salmon in about 12 years. Lake wasn't half bad when we got out there. Set down in 70 fow and trolled out to 105. Good temp from 63-72 fow down. Worked our way back to 90 fow and took our first shot off our rigger set at 68 ft. My dad got his wish this fish ripped enough mono that we new this was a good fish, at 485ft of mono out the fish quit ripping and my dad started making up the difference. Now we got one fish in the boat and the waves have made it known that mother nature was a coming. We set back up and bang same rigger same depth and another screamer. This time we could tell not quite the same size, but still a good one. All said and done this one was around 19 lbs. We had two really nice fish in the boat and the waves had built to a respectable 3.5-4 ft. We were both happy with a few hours and decided to head in and not take he pounding any more.

    I will have to post pictures tomorrow.



    Time on Water:Friday night 6:00-8:00pm / Sunday 7:30-10:30am

    Weather/Temp:overcast high 70's

    Wind Speed/Direction:1 footer Friday / Sunday 1ft building to 3.5-4 ft


    Surface Temp:72

    Location: Portbay just west.

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits:

    Total Boated:

    Species Breakdown:

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth:

    Lure Depth:




  3. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:Reel'laxin



    I spent the weekend taking customers out on a charter out of Sodus. That time was well spent . Good times with customers along with the charter. If anyone is looking,Billy V does a really nice job. I can't say enough good thing about how professional both Bill and Jay were.

    After spending the morning on the Billy V, I took my dad and younger son out. I was hearing the king bite was back on full steam ahead. About 7:00 we got the good rip we were looking for and after about 20 min we finally got the fish in the boat. My 13 year old was smiling from ear to ear.

    Sunday morning I met another group of customers out with Billy V sport fishing. We weather the brief storm and when the rain stopped the fish turned on :) . One of my customers bounced a nice salmon. Scale on the boat said 30lbs. We put a few others on the boat, but as the morning went things slowed. End of the day we weighed the fish and we were at 29.08lbs. Not a bad fish and placed 9th place ( for now ? )

    I'll post pic's later



    Time on Water:6:00 8:30


    Wind Speed/Direction: light s/e

    Waves: 1st or less

    Surface Temp: 74

    Location:Portbay right out the chute

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 14

    Total Boated: 9

    Species Breakdown: mixed bag

    Hot Lure: flies and spoons

    Trolling Speed: 3.0

    Down Speed: 2.3-2.7

    Boat Depth: 90-140

    Lure Depth: 80-120











  4. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:Reel'Laxin




    Date(s):7/15 & 7/16

    Time on Water:7/15 6pm - 9pm, 7/16 8am-11am

    Weather/Temp:mid 80's

    Wind Speed/Direction:7/15 NE, E - 7/16 SE, S

    Waves: Calm to 1'

    Surface Temp: 72

    Location: Portbay to Eastbay

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 7/15 (1) 7/16 (3)

    Total Boated:7/15 (1), 7/16 (1)

    Species Breakdown:Both days (KINGS)

    Hot Lure: Green Spin Doctor w/ A-TOM-MIK Mirage Fly 7/15. White & Green spotted Spin Doctor w/ White A-TOM-MIK Fly 7/16

    Trolling Speed: 2.8-3.5

    Down Speed: 2.4-2.7

    Boat Depth: 150-300FOW

    Lure Depth: 80-135



    7/15 after a quick bite to eat with my dad & son we headed out for a quick evening troll. Around 8:15 the Dispsy rod started pullin wire out. I pulled the rod and got my Son on it. The fish had a quick run pullin about and extra 150' off that rod. We had that set at a #2 setting out 280'. 10 minutes later my Son had pulled his first king in :) . This fish weight a nice 8lbs perfect for a starter for him :yes:

    7/16 We headed out a little late dropped in at 200FOW and set up. about 45 minutes later I had a rip on my Port side dipsey set. I pulled the rod and hung on. this was set at 300' out and by the time I looked down I was out to 600' the next time I looked I was around 980 and he finally stopped. 25 minutes later we netted the biggest fish I've ever caught. This was a nice 18lb king. We just started fishing last year and struggled alot last year. This was great for all of us. I just need to get my wife and Dad on one and the year will be a success. :clap:

    BTW; I've learned alot through this site and it has made me a better fisherman. My biggest part of the puzzle came on Fathers dad when my wife surprized me with a FISH HAWK 4X. This made a huge difference.







  5. My question is what kind of line would I use for my downrigger poles? I bought two Okuma line counter reels last year and used mono on them 30lb pound Big Game line that was green in color. Is that the right type of line to use? not sure if it makes a difference using clear mono or colored? any help would be great. I plan on using DW flashers and flies this summer.

  6. Went out the past weekend in search off that fall bit. We tried off both graves and thompkins point. We didn't do great but over the course of the weekend we caught about 18 fish. Most were medium size but we did manage about 5 or 6 nice 10 to 12 in fish.

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  7. Andy- I shot down mid afternoon yesterday and went out with my dad. We fished from about 1:30 till 5:00 and same result. I headed straight out of the bay and set up at 120 FOW. We trolled east towards Fairhaven with not even a knock off. seemed like the only depth we would mark fish or even bait fish was around 100 - 110. we made our way out to about 210 and still nothing. the surface temp has finally come back up from the weekend, but still nothing. I'm hoping to run down on Thursday again and try it. Let me know if you do anything. If the weather is good we should try to go together one day.

  8. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:Reel'laxin





    Time on Water:6 -11


    Wind Speed/Direction:5 southwest

    Waves: rollers 1-2 ft laying down

    Surface Temp: 67

    Location: Portbay to Sodus

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 0

    Total Boated:0

    Species Breakdown:

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed: 3 - 3.5

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth: 120 -210

    Lure Depth: 40 -110



    Started out around 6:00 am out of Portbay around 80 FOW and set up. Trolled out to about 100 to 110 marked all types of fish on the bottom along with bait. Since I had know luck in the 40 to 60 down I dropped the riggers to the bottom, and nothing happened, but kept marking fish. After about a hour moved them back up the water column. I worked the water until the Sodus and turned back around and headed back to Portbay. ;(

    After about another hour or two we were back in front of Portbay with nothing to show for except for a bunch of really well washed spoons and flies ;( I heard that the afternoon picked back up around Fairhaven and Oswego. I hope the water gets back to steady temp and the fish stack back up again.


  9. The reason I was thinking of the change was my GPS has not been able to locate me for some reason the past two weekends and my fish finder is getting blank lines on the left hand side. These units are also about 10 years old and I was thinking that over time new technology has come along. I guess kinda the old computer thought , that after two years there are fast and more advanced models out. I was also think one unit would take up less space? I would like to purchase in the future a speed and down temp for the boat and thought I could place the read out right next to the combo. If you guys have better Ideas I game for listening.

  10. I'm planning on purchasing a new combo this winter. I bought the boat in the spring this year and it currently has Raytheon gps and a Raytheon fish finder mounted on my dash. These are seperate units. I would like to combine them into one. My budget will be around $1200.00 dollars. I was hoping to get a few different ideas and features that you guys might find a must to have. I have heard good and bad things about some of the products out there, but if I was to hand you $1200.00 what would you go buy and why?

  11. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name: Reel'in





    Time on Water:6:30 till 10:00

    Weather/Temp: Rain

    Wind Speed/Direction:10 MPH SE/E

    Waves: 1-3

    Surface Temp: 74

    Location: West of Portbay

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 3

    Total Boated:1

    Species Breakdown:Coho

    Hot Lure: Blue & Green spotted Spin Doctor w/ green & White Fly

    Trolling Speed: 3.2

    Down Speed: n/a

    Boat Depth: 140

    Lure Depth: 70




    Well got up early not thinking I would go out. Turns out it really was not that bad untill we had to turn around and head back to Portbay. We set up in 100 FOW and not 15 minutes into it we had a release on our Walker diver. This lasted all of about 3 minutes and he broke everything off including the diver. 20 minutes later my wife got our only fish a small 5lbs Coho. Right around 9:30 we had a release and a quick rip on another diver, but never saw it. It was just about time to head in. All divers were set on 3 and back around 330 or 350.

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