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Posts posted by fishandaprayer

  1. How about Hotels near by for the event. Are there any rooms left? Is there a hotel that is giving special rates for the event?

    Advise would be appreciated... I've volunteered as an observer for the event and hoping not to have to drive too far for a room on the friday night.

    Tom ... wow! Dude what ever you're smoking before you write one of these "rants" bring some for the after party! Love the enthusiasm you have for this event!

  2. Guy's I'd be interested in being an observer ... think it'd be a great chance to watch and learn. Problem is coming from Toronto I'd have to stay overnight because the manditory meeting at 7PM friday and then back by 5:30am on Saturday.

    Are there any hotels with deals on that weekend?

    Let me know if anyone is in need and I'll start the negotiations with the boss!

    [email protected]


  3. Out on the weekend for a few hrs on 10/10/10 ... caugt one small Steelie -6 lbs ... which was nice as there weren't many we were marking in 30 to 70 FOW.

    Anyone know if they are in the area still... Port credit? and what depth they should be in?

    Hoping to give it one more try this weekend coming.

    Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits:

    Total Boated:

    Species Breakdown:

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth:

    Lure Depth:




  4. Hey Folks,

    I'm new to downrigger fishing and bought a boat fully equiped for it. Attached to one of the balls is a stacker release. I don't understand how you would rig this with 2 lines attached to the ball? wouldn't the lines get tangled?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

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