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Posts posted by Wilson Harbor Invite
The 2017 Wilson Harbor Invitational will be held on Saturday May 13th! Stay tuned for some changes that will be made.
Due to a lack of entries we decided to postpone these events. They will run Tuesday through Friday this week. Our main sponsor of the event stepped up so we could run the 1 K A Day.
If you're not on our Facebook pages please head on over and like them!
If you're going to be fishing up West don't forget to get into the two events leading up to the Wilson Harbor Invitational. You can go to the website and register now!
Both of these events start Saturday. If you aren't registered and you're fishing out West give it a shot! Anyone can enter!
With all the rain, and 60 degree temps in the forecast, the 1 K A Day is looking like it might be a pretty good event this Spring! It takes place that first week of May while the Spring LOC is going on. Head on over and 'Like' our Facebook page. If you're gonna be fishing the Western end of Lake Ontario for the Spring LOC put the $100 up for your boat to get into the event!
You can find episode 1, 2, and 3 at the link below. If you haven't watched them they are pretty good!
Part 2 is finally here! See it now. So far there looks to be a good handful of new teams for 2015. This years rookie class is shaping up. Rumors of a new Michigan team are circulating! If you haven't yet registered now is the time. Remember to view you must be a member of the fishing and hunting forum to view so signup now for your exclusive viewing opportunity!
Use password "shotgun" to view.
Only 3 days remain for your chance to win $1000. All entries (deposits) made online or postmarked on or before Feb 20th 2015 will be entered in a drawing on May 9th at the captains meeting. Dont miss out!
Just steal Ricks boat and you'll be all set Rob !
He can't "maneuver" that boat where he wants to fish. I already showed him a few meters for sale.
Ooops....still signed in as WHI...hahahahaha
Just a reminder that if you want in on the early bird drawing your deposits must be post marked no later that February 20th.
This year we are continuing our "rookie" class which will consist of any new team with no more than one former WHI veteran wishing to fish the 2015 event. Last season as mentioned below we had two new teams finish in the top10 and both qualified for additional prize structure. Its a great oppertunity to EXCEED the advertised payouts for more information please contact us at [email protected]
Finally, after the birth of my daughter, and the Chicago Boat Show we are ready to begin accepting deposits for the 2015 Wilson Harbor Invitational. For most invites will be in your mail box by the end of the week. If you have participated in the past and would like to get a jump on things feel free to begin the registration process here: http://www.wilsonharborinvitational.com/whi-registration/
If you would like to participate in this years event and would be doing so for the first time please e-mail us at [email protected].Don't forget about the salmon slam and 1k a day. Last years winners won big over $30,000!
Mr. and Mrs Jerge just added a little one to their family a week ago. This has brought on a few delays, but rest assured the invitations are in the process of being finished. They will be sent out soon!
We'd like to get the dates out there for you, so you can start planning for the 2015 season.
Wilson Harbor Invitational - May 9th
Salmon Slam and the 1 K A Day will run from May 1st- May 8th
Coming January 2015 Salmon Showdown will air four 10 minute segments from the 2014 WHI.
Please make sure to keep a watchful eye on our website and social media outlets.
Unfortunately, we will not be having this event during the Fall LOC derby. We started promotion too late, and didn't get the word out in time to obtain the participation levels we need. We were very successful with it during the Spring LOC derby, and plan on doing that again in 2015 leading up to the WHI.
If you signed up for the Fall 1 K A Day your refunds will be going out today.
We have a winner..... well at least for now. Anthony Campanella Boat name Eyecrosser has the lead in the 1 K a Day with a 20.60 pound salmon!
A-TOM-MIK 5 fish 80.9 pounds
OutLaw 4 fish 64.1 Pounds
Tomahawk 4 fish 56.8 pounds
Oh Baby 4 fish 49.4 pounds
Pacific time 3 fish 47.15 pounds
5k tomorrow still time to enter! http://www.wilsonharborinvitational.com/1k-a-day-registration/
****The Wilson Harbor Invitational weigh in on Sat has been moved to The Wilson Fire Dept to accommodate the additional people expected at this years event. Further information will be available at the Capt meeting Friday at 6pm sharp!
2017 Wilson Harbor Invitational - Announcement
in Tournament Talk, Shows, Events & Seminars
Wilson Harbor Invitational - May 13th
1 K a Day - May 8th-12th
Salmon Slam - May 8th-12th
After 5 years, and countless hours, the WHI as its affectionately called will undergo change for 2017. Change is a necessary component of every organization to stay competitive, and to offer you the angler the best product possible. While we will continue to offer a high stakes event with no communication we will attempt to become better organized with better opportunity for those participating.
· Entry – This season entry fees will increase as will payouts. In an effort to stabilize our payouts the entry will rise to $1500. This will now include the 1 K A Day for each team (to commence the 5 days leading up to the main event) as well as dinner for the first 4 anglers at our banquet. $1300 from each entry will support the final payouts. The salmon slam will continue to follow the 1 K A Day but will require a separate entry of $300.
Over the years our event has been well attended and we generally welcomed all that wanted to participate. We have seen with the addition of new events that teams have gotten more selective on both the number of events they do as well as which events they attend. In an effort to allow for better planning we will be setting some hard deadlines for entry. March 15th will be the last day any team can enter at the $1500 fee. March 16th up to April 15th entry will increase to $1750. Currently there are no provisions for entry after April 15th. Currently we will be limiting entry to a total of 50 boats.
· Payouts – The increase in entry will allow us to payback 20% of the field and maintain a $25,000 first place prize. Further any late fees collected (March 16th through April 15th) will payout to the winner on top of the $25,000. The 1 K A Day will continue as usual beginning Monday and commencing on Friday. This event will pay out $1000 per day with carry overs. The Salmon Slam will also run Monday-Friday.
· Invitations – Since the inception we have mailed invites to teams who participated in our event. With our set deadlines and limits on entry this method has become a bit archaic. Each year there is a large number of returned invites from the post office. This puts those that have recently changed their address, or live in Canada, at a disadvantage. In an effort to offer everyone the same opportunity in the same time frame we will simply go LIVE on our website. All those that wish to participate will be notified by email and or social media.
All in all, we believe these changes are necessary to provide you the best experience available. We will now be able to offer definitive payouts weeks before the event, allow for a more polished weigh in and dinner experience, and limit last minute changes to a minimum. Financially, the odds will be better with paybacks to 20% and a guaranteed first place of $25,000. Let us not forget the Spring LOC will be running the same week for some added cash.