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Posts posted by Rippin'Line

  1. Came right out and banged 2 lakers in the first 45 minutes. One off Spin doc hammertime and hammertime DW fly and the other off a stinger scorpion bumblee both off riggers. Then the wind picked up and it shut right down. Had what appeared to be a decent LL that took my flatline with a 4 inch rap on it but as soon as it took there were 2 headshakes and gone :( Lakers were your average 3 to 4 pounders. Nothing impressive today. Probably done for the week down there. Going to whack Lake O this weekend in the big boat for kings :devil:

  2. I have a suggestion. If you are a facebook account holder get on their page and post photos to their wall of the paint peeling off and complain. I htink then name of the page is Team Stinger. Then that way others see this. I personally havent had a problem yet with them. Maybe i have just been lucky.

  3. several of my buddies and I have been able to find some walleyes in several areas around the canal towrds Lyons area. Just wondering if anybody knows what part of the water column they tend to hang out in there. we've been banging them on cranks mostly but theyre generally 16 to 20 inches max. Only got one around 5lbs. Any canal advice?

  4. Wow man, its sorry to hear that. Its amazing what some people will do. Unfortunately I see this working seeing as how I work Loss Prevention at a retail store catching shoplifters. But as far as fishing goes I generally let people have tackle if something is working for me and go as far as to show them the techniques I use (not all of course ;)) but stealing tackle from anther fisherman is blasphemy in my book. Anyways good luck on finding your stuff. I hope for the best and ill keep an eye out if im up there anytime soon. Maybe ill get to catch I tackle thief :)

    [ Post made via Android ] Android.png

  5. Hit canadice about 8 a.m. sunday morning and managed to go 4 for 5 on lakers. Biggest one weighed in on my personal scale at 7 pounds 6 ounces and the smallest being 1 all of 14 inches so he got burped and sent back down to the bottom. The interesting part of the day was a a laker that took an alewive colored spoon at 80 foot down then swam up and took a black and silver rap being trolled on the surface.Wasnt until we did a rod check did we notice the little guy with two lures in his mouth. The funny part of the day was when the left rigger fired with my caramel dolphin stinger and lined started screaming. My first though was who released a king into Canadice? Anyways i was getting headshake but wasnt gaining any line. Finally determined that there must be a sunkin log and branches 90 ft down and we snagged one of the branches and it was swaying in the current. Retired that lure early. All in all it was a good day. Nabbed some lakers in the morn then hit honeoye at night for eyes. However that only produced bass but fun none the less.

    Tight lines.

  6. Hit canadice about 8 a.m. sunday morning and managed to go 4 for 5 on lakers. Biggest one weighed in on my personal scale at 7 pounds 6 ounces and the smallest being 1 all of 14 inches so he got burped and sent back down to the bottom. The interesting part of the day was a a laker that took an alewive colored spoon at 80 foot down then swam up and took a black and silver rap being trolled on the surface.Wasnt until we did a rod check did we notice the little guy with two lures in his mouth. The funny part of the day was when the left rigger fired with my caramel dolphin stinger and lined started screaming. My first though was who released a king into Canadice? Anyways i was getting headshake but wasnt gaining any line. Finally determined that there must be a sunkin log and branches 90 ft down and we snagged one of the branches and it was swaying in the current. Retired that lure early. All in all it was a good day. Nabbed some lakers in the morn then hit honeoye at night for eyes. However that only produced bass but fun none the less.

    Tight lines.

  7. Banged a laker this morn in 80 over 90 bout 6 pounds. Came home for the grill. Hit 3 others but lost em all. one laker off the rigger. Two others were browns or bows 50 down over 90. May have had LL off a stick but it was gone as soon as it struck. Post a pic later. On the LOU board now in class. HAHAH!

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  8. Are these available to purchase anymore. When im not on the big pond i tend to have some success with them on the fingerlakes but I cant seem to find them anywhere. Any suggestions????

  9. Nice! Put up a garage door opener for my grandfather yesterday that took alot longer than i predicted. Like 7hours total so I didnt mak eit out. then on top of that i heard my wheel bearing grinding on th eway home so thats in the shop now. Hopefully i get it back by thursday. Having withdrawls already. :(

  10. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:90 min


    Wind Speed/Direction: nw

    Waves: 3 to 5

    Surface Temp:

    Location: Port Bay

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 3

    Total Boated:2

    Species Breakdown: Brown, Coho

    Hot Lure: mt dew spin doc dreamweaver monkey puke trolling fly

    Trolling Speed: depends on wave. Ha!

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth: 20 to 40

    Lure Depth:



    Made it out this morn about 8 and headed right out through Port Bay's sketchy channel to about 40 foot and started draggin 2 riggers and 2 rods off each board. All action on mt dew doc paired with a DW monkey puke trolling fly. No pics unfortunately. Camera was dead and phone left on the dock. Go figure. Brown was all of 18 inches and the Coho was a decent 6 pounder. Knocked abother fish that took off screaming so probably a decent king or a big steel. Again was the dew doc and DW fly. Good luck


  11. Ive heard of people somehow attaching a rubber band to their reel to hold the spool but when a fish hits the rubberband releases to know when theres a fish on. How do you set this up? I've tried lookignup pics on google images but coouldnt find anything. Advice appreciated.

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