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Posts posted by FishinHank

  1. I just got a box of maple sugar in the mail the other day, going to experiment with it a little. I got that and a gallon of real maple syrup. Between the two I should be able to put some maple flavor into some smoked salmon. If you like heat you can sprinkle on whatever hot stuff you have. I have a jar of smoked ghost pepper powder that I put on some of my salmon before the pellicle forms. I barely put any on and it is HOT! The sweet helps to balance it out though. I also put course ground black pepper on some. People really seem to like the pepper.


    The most important part is to put it on before you form the pellicle, otherwise it will just brush off. If you put it on before it pretty much gets locked on.

  2. 53 minutes ago, cdq said:


    It is, Honeoye was the exception they made it 15 inches on that body of water, why that is I’m not sure.

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app


    My guess is $$. They wanted people to come fish the lake, dropping the size limit to 15" from 18" would attract more fisherman. NY has a pretty good record of making bonehead decisions when it comes to DEC regulations.

  3. I remember going to FLCC and helping Foust put radio transmitters into a few walleyes. Was pretty fun. Glad to see this program is up and running. We did horizontal tows 3 days after the state would stock 7 million fry into Honeyeye and we didn't find ONE walleye fry. A whole lot of perch fry though.


    Lots of males due to being early in the run? Are you guys going to hold some males in case the fun loving ratio switches?

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  4. Smoked salmon

    This is how I do my smoked salmon. Done around 50lbs of fillets so far, with a lot more to go.


    3 cups brown sugar

    3/4 cup salt


    That's it for the brine. I leave the skin on if I am smoking fish. Sometimes I like to grind some black pepper on the top before I form the pellicle. The pellicle is THE most important part of smoking fish. I rinse the brined fish in cold water after a day or two of brining. I lay the fish out under fans until the surface gets tacky. Then it goes into the smoker. I use a big chief with a mix of apple and alder chips. Smoke it until it gets to the consistency I want.


    Easy peasy.

  5. hey everyone yesterday was out on the lake at grimsby pulled up a bunch of lakers, but this one was far more colorful, didnt know if it was just an older male with spawing colors in spring? or is it like a splake or something, the dots are more circular than the others it was darker reddish and had beautiful white fin edges. havent really seen any like this yet, more experiece needed, can someone give me a lesson in this. thanks Adam




    Here is a laker I caught in AK for comparison. Very similar. This was also caught in the spring, not sure if that makes any difference or not.


    Here is one out of the same lake but off the spawning beds in the fall.


    Go figure.

  6. I see messed up fish all the time working at a salmon hatchery. I have seen fry that are bent 90 degrees before and they do survive for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy came out of the hatchery like that, as it happens all the time.

    Here are a couple of freaks I have pictures of. Seen a lot of cyclops but this was the first triclops.


    This smolt was about half as long as the rest of the others in the round pond, a tiny little football. I have seen this also with browns at the NY hatcheries.


  7. I work at a salmon hatchery in alaska and you would be surprised how many freaks we get. I have seen lots of fish like that at the fry stage, some are even at a 90 degree angle.

    Here was a triclops I found-


    We see a lot of these guys too, tiny little footballs-


  8. Thanks, it was caught in SE alaska. I thought you fellas might like to see what they look like when they come fresh out of the salt. I didn't think it was that big until it saw the dock and just about spooled me. It ran out under our netpens and I was worried it would get grabbed by a seal or get hung up in our nets.

    I caught him at low tide throwing an NK28 off our dock. It was the first fish of the year (caught mid may) and was also the biggest caught by any of the hatchery workers. It tasted pretty good too. That was the only fish caught on a spoon that year. Most guys up there don't know jack about fishing spoons, they fish all flashers with either cut bait or hootchies/flies.

  9. Suttons

    bright neon green Jr Thunderstick

    NK28 we call the Money Bait

    NK28 we call the purple **** (my ex gf picked it out, but it does catch fish)

    the old black and purple spoon we call Barney is my dino

    a firetiger R&R

    and of course Ol Faithful.

    Even though I have a couple hundred spoons in my box these are the ones I run the most.

  10. I mooched with a 9ft medium action rod with a bunch of 60lb powerpro on a medium sized baitcaster with a levelwind. All you do is either troll very slowly or drift with the wind/current. Put a 4-8oz banana weight on your line and run a small flasher with a hoochie and a chunk of herring. The scent of the herring gets into the water and the kings will track them down, and the flasher will get their attention. They make specialty mooching rods/reels but I haven't ever tried using them.

    We would drop them down and let them sit at different depths until we found the fish on either the sounder or picking them up. The hits are pretty spectacular, your reel will usually just start screaming.

    When I drifted on Cayuga we would run a #3 or #4 split shot about 4ft above a sawbelly hooked through the back. I used to use a 9wt fly rod with a spinning reel with 8lb mono, keep your bail open and put a small rock or something on the line to keep it from going out too far. Throw the sawbelly out, set up your line and sit and drift with the wind. The sawbelly will swim around in a circle and the fish can see them from a long ways of because they are flashing pretty good.

  11. Why is it you never see many guys mooching/drifting for kings on ontario? I bet it would work really good. We mooch with 6-8oz banana weights with a small flasher and fly with herring about 5-6ft away from the weight. We slay the silvers and I have caught kings with it also. I used to drift sawbellies on Cayuga and we did well on browns and landlocks.

  12. I used to ice fish a little bit south of the college and got a few atlantics through the ice. Some huge perch in that lake too. I only fished it once in the summer and we drifted floats with sawbellies. The darn salmon were hitting my floats!!! Finally got a nice one to take the sawbelly.

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