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Posts posted by MÃ¥leren

  1. Tanks all ;)

    I Love the reply : the littel harttop whit tuna door :D :D :D


    Trolling is very popular ind Denmark/Sweden/Finland and we godt a lot of competitions.

    The biggest is the TV-station who give 15.000$ for the biggest salmon in a 4 days competition.


    A littel trailer to the kontest here :


  2. I have make som new trolling movies i want to share whit you Guys on the other side of the World ;)


    The first one it a trailer to my 35. minutes long movie to our trip to Hesslö in Sweden to get salmon.





    This one is from a place call Abykäs in Sweden, from last year. It calls "Salmon Party ind Baltic Sea"




    You can see all my movies at Youtube here


    Please enjoy ;)


  3. Hey boys

    I just want to show 2 movies from the largest and second largest competition in Scandinavia.

    First Simrishamn in Sweden 2011 (second biggest)

    Full movie is 3 hours.

    So Trolling Master Bornholm 2012 in Denmark (The biggest)

    Full movie is 45 min.

    Enjoy the movies from the other side of the planet 8)
  4. Hello boys

    Just a greeting from the other side of the world. ;)

    I love reading this forum, and will just introduce myself.

    Name: Michael

    Country: Denmark

    Boat: http://www.galia610.dk - Follow how I have built my boat up here

    Website: http://www.s-s-d.dk

    I will just give you one of my films from the second largest trolling competition in Scandinavia. It's from 2011

    It is a trailer of a movie in 3 hours with salmon salmon salmon ...

    See it here:

    see you ...

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