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Everything posted by jeastborough

  1. New York Gun Company Boycott grows to **113 COMPANIES***. Your move, @NyGovCuomo! http://t.co/G5uLrpyMos

  2. . @GeneMcVay Yeah. Have you seen the inside of an automatic transmission? It's AMAZING! Took some REAL brains to come up with.


  4. My daily stats: 24 new followers, 22 new unfollowers via http://t.co/PIThAsEF2c

  5. . @jeffreymcmanus "obstruction". That's rich. Ob'ama'struction is more like it.

  6. . @AntiLibertarian @SpeakerBoehner @washingtonpost No, I'm talking about Obama being all "Waah, those evil Weepublicans have my hands tied"

  7. . @BarackObama Yet another Obamystery... why did you insist on a sequester in the first place then, genius? #NoGoodAnswer

  8. . @808AAlohalaniMc Yes, it's a horrible topic. Which is why idiots who want to endanger women need to be exposed and mocked.

  9. Let's rally for Blog Bash 2013 to help Bloggers throw an awesome party! Please RT http://t.co/ECUbNmwvVK via @rally

  10. . @mrbenz7 @Kegan05 @Marble300 @TheTrue99 @vonvovideo Well, as long as it doesn't get TOO adult, know what I'm sayin'? #TwitterAfterDark :D

  11. Can @BarackObama's vacations & golf outings be sequestered? No? Didn't think so.

  12. . @gailtalk @TwitchyTeam So what? Everyone knows he lied. When is anyone going to ***DO*** something about it? #ImpeachObama

  13. How about Americans respond to the #Sequester with one of their own? Sequester their tax payments in escrow accts instead of sending to IRS?

  14. . @Chelliebean_, I gathered that, just wanted to throw the article at @alfranken in a subtly indirect way :D@CSGV

  15. . @drawandstrike @rsmccain @bennyjohnson WaWa has the BEST sandwich system on the planet.

  16. My daily stats: 21 new followers, 16 new unfollowers via http://t.co/PIThAsEF2c

  17. . @CSGV @alfranken If ONLY Congress had the kind of research power & tools that some random dude on Twitter has.

  18. . @act4america The gov't should counter-sue him for wasting their time and generally being a nuisance.

  19. . @drawandstrike @lilmsgs @jfkisgr8 @calickizzle @LDommel @politaire Yes. Part of "Everything Is Bush's Fault, Even The Asteroids" .

  20. . @RobEjr @LDommel @lilmsgs @politaire Also, check what party MLK belonged to.

  21. . @SD_Wheeler @ResistTyranny We can thank a century of liberals controlling the education system for that.

  22. Oregon Tweeps - you might get a chuckle out of this. http://t.co/6dXaWyTVZA

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