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Posts posted by costarockin

  1. I agree with it being a Chincoho hybrid.


    Port Hope has seen an amazing coho run this season and I have no doubt that the Ganaraska river system produces many hybrids, given its small size and high concentration of fish


    Thanks for the replies and I'll be posting the full length fishing TV episode in the upcoming month


    Here is the link to the episode teaser from our trip to Brazil:



  2. Hello again- interesting to hear all the replies!


    Here's one more picture to show the hump- which is the main thing that made me think it was a coho..


    I know the quality is bad, but it's all I have. I'm extracting these stills from iphone video, which is always grainy at night.






  3. Lots of quick replies to this! 


    Thanks for the input... here's 2 more pics- and it actually has white-ish gums (Chincoho?) and the hump makes it almost look like a spawned sockeye...


    I caught more cohos this season than in the past decade, but all under 10lbs... since this was over 15, I'd like to think that it was a large coho:)


    Regardless, it was a fun catch


    Thanks for the input


    and here's my biggest king of the year- 33.03lbs on the tournament scale (on the right)






  4. Hi everyone, just a quick fish ID question.


    I caught this off the pier in Port Hope a couple weeks ago, and looking at the video playback, it appears to be a coho...


    I thought it was a king when I landed it, but it was so dark I didn't give it a close enough look


    I'd just like to know


    Your feedback is appreciated


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