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Ryan harrell

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Posts posted by Ryan harrell

  1. Well Saturday Am was slow, but did manage a couple real nice fish. Almost all fish came in 85-90fow, Sea Sick Waddler was claimed the MVS. Saturday Pm was gorgeous, fishing was slow, managed a 15 and a 9, both almost at dark, Sea Sick Waddler and NBK shared the MVS, once again 85-90fow. Sunday Am, picked a couple skippies up, then a nice steelie 35' down over 85fow on a Carmel dolphin, shortly thereafter had a rod start screaming, it was a 22lb King on a 8" double trans crush spindoctor with a pickled sunshine cut-bait rig and an alewife strip, 40' down over 88fow....fishing was slow, but some quality fish made it a little easier to smile!...until next time





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